Poze (29)
Toate pozele »Biografie
Jack Lemmon, pe numele sau adevarat John Uhler Lemmon III, se naste la 8 februarie 1925 la Newton, o suburbie a orasului Boston, Massachusetts.Tatal sau, director la o patiserie, nu era de acord ca fiul sa sa urmeze o cariera instabila, dar l-a sfatuit sa aleaga ce ii face reala placere. Scoala elementara o finalizeaza in Newton , urmata de Universitatea Harvard pe care o absolva in 1947 si in cadrul careia participa la cursuri de actorie. Ia lectii de actorie cu Uta Hagen, reputata profesoara de arta...
mai multJack Lemmon, pe numele sau adevarat John Uhler Lemmon III, se naste la 8 februarie 1925 la Newton, o suburbie a orasului Boston, Massachusetts.Tatal sau, director la o patiserie, nu era de acord ca fiul sa sa urmeze o cariera instabila, dar l-a sfatuit sa aleaga ce ii face reala placere. Scoala elementara o finalizeaza in Newton , urmata de Universitatea Harvard pe care o absolva in 1947 si in cadrul careia participa la cursuri de actorie. Ia lectii de actorie cu Uta Hagen, reputata profesoara de arta dramatica si, in paralel, invata sa cante la pian si armonica.Dupa indeplinirea stagiului militar isi indreapta toata atentia catre lumea artistica. In 1947 are primul rol, episodic totusi, urmat de altele mici pana in 1954 cand este remarcat in "It should happen to you". In 1950 se casatoreste cu actrita Cynthia Stone alaturi de care aparuse in primele filme ale carierei. Casatoria lor se va finaliza prin divort in 1956, dar din ea a rezultat un fiu ,Chris Lemmon, de asemenea actor, care apare in doua filme ("That's Life" si "Dad") alaturi de tatal sau caruia i-a dedicat si o carte - " A Twist of Lemmon, A Tribute to My Father".
Cu un Oscar pentru rol secundar, castigat in 1956, sfarsitul anilor '50 il aduce in mijlocul vedetelor de la Hollywood, fiind preferatul lui Billy Wilder care il distribuie in 7 filme ale sale. Prieten cu majoritatea colegilor de platou care ii apreciau umorul si buna-dispozitie, va mentine prietenii de lunga durata cu Tony Curtis -alaturi de care joaca in doua filme si Walter Matthau- partener in 11 filme. Ramane celebru pentru replica obisnuita inainte de a filma orice scena : "It's magic time!". Comediile il impun la public, joaca cu succes drame si primeste 3 nominalizari la Oscar pana la castigarea celui de-al doilea premiu al Academiei americane, in 1974 pentru filmul "Save the tiger", urmat de inca alte 3 nominalizari.
In 1960 se casatoreste cu actrita Felicia Farr cu care are o fiica, Courtney.
In 1971 isi incearca talentul de regizor cu filmul "Kotch". Influenta sa asupra actorilor din noile generatii este de netagaduit. In 1998, nominalizat la Golden Globe pentru rolul din "12 Angry Men", primeste statueta de la castigatorul Ving Rhames, in semn de recunoastere a meritelor sale. Kevin Spacey ii dedica Oscarul castigat in 2000 pentru American Beauty ca multumire pentru sfaturile date de Lemmon pe cand Spacey era un simplu amator de teatru.
Ultimii ani ai vietii il gasesc in roluri diverse, apreciate de public si de critica. In 1999 descopera ca sufera de cancer de colon. Mai apare intr-un ultim film in 2000. Moare la 27 iunie 2001, la 1 an si 3 zile diferenta de prietenul sau de-o viata Walter Matthau.
Actorul Jack Lemmon a fost recompensat cu o stea pentru filmele sale, amplasată în partea de nord, aria 6300, pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
- ¿De qué te ríes? (2006)
- The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002)
- The Legend of Bagger Vance / Misteriosul Bagger Vance (2000) - Narrator / Old Hardy Greaves
- Tuesdays with Morrie / Lectie de viata (1999) - Morrie Schwartz
- Inherit the Wind / Moștenirea (1999) - Henry Drummond
- The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998)
- The Long Way Home / Pitici de vară (1998) - Thomas Gerrin
- Puppies for Sale (1998) - Pet Shop Owner
- The Odd Couple II / Un cuplu ciudat II (1998) - Felix Unger
- Out to Sea / Croaziera cu peripetii (1997) - Herb Sullivan
- 12 Angry Men / 12 oameni furioși (1997) - Jurat #8
- Jack Lemmon: America's Everyman / Jack Lemmon - Bonomul Americii (1996) - el însuşi
- A Weekend in the Country / Un weekend la tara (1996) - Bud Bailey
- My Fellow Americans / Jocul președinților (1996) - Presedintele Russell O. Kramer
- Hamlet (1996) - Marcellus Trailer
- Getting Away with Murder / Crima nepedepsita (1996) - Max Mueller / Luger
- 50 Years of Funny Females (1995) - el însuși (imagini de arhivă)
- Grumpier Old Men / Si mai morocanosi (1995) - John Gustafson
- The Grass Harp / Cărările sufletului (1995) - Morris Ritz
- Short Cuts / Povești întretăiate (1993) - Paul Finnigan
- A Life in the Theater / În spatele cortinei (1993) - Robert
- Grumpy Old Men / Morocănoșii (1993) - John Gustafson
- Glengarry Glen Ross / Totul de vânzare (1992) - Shelley Levene
- For Richer, for Poorer / O familie excentrica (1992) - Aram Katourian
- Beyond 'JFK': The Question of Conspiracy / JFK: Teoria conspiratiei (1992) - el însuşi
- JFK (1991) - Jack Martin
- Dad / Tata (1989) - Jake Tremont
- The Murder of Mary Phagan (1988) - Gov. John Slaton
- Long Day's Journey Into Night (1987) - James Tyrone Sr.
- That's life! (1986) - Harvey Fairchild
- Maccheroni (1985) - Robert Traven
- Mass Appeal (1984) - Father Tim Farley
- Missing / Disparutul (1982) - Ed Horman
- Musical Comedy Tonight II (1981)
- Buddy Buddy / Prietenii (1981) - Victor Clooney
- Tribute (1980) - Scottie Templeton
- The China Syndrome / Sindromul chinezesc (1979) - Jack Godell
- Airport '77 / Aeroport '77 (1977) - Don Gallagher
- Alex & the Gypsy (1976) - Alexander Main
- The Entertainer (1976) - Archie Rice
- The Prisoner of Second Avenue / Prizonierul din Manhattan (1975) - Mel Edison
- La polizia ha le mani legate (1975) - Narator
- Wednesday (1974) - Jerry Murphy
- The Front Page / Prima pagină (1974) - Hildebrand Johnson
- Get Happy (1973) - Gazdă
- Save the Tiger / Salvați tigrul (1973) - Harry Stoner
- The War Between Men and Women (1972) - Peter Edward Wilson
- Avanti! (1972) - Wendell Armbruster, Jr.
- Kotch / Bunicul Kotch (1971) - Sleeping bus passenger
- The Out of Towners / Cum să devii newyorkez (1970) - George Kellerman
- The April Fools (1969) - Howard Brubaker
- There Comes a Day (1968)
- The Odd Couple / Un cuplu ciudat (1968) - Felix Ungar
- Luv (1967) - Harry Berlin
- The Fortune Cookie / Prima de asigurare (1966) - Harry Hinkle Trailer
- The Great Race / Marea Cursa (1965) - Profesorul Fate / Printul Hapnik
- How to Murder Your Wife / Cum sa-ti ucizi sotia? (1965) - Stanley Ford
- Good Neighbor Sam / Bunul meu vecin Sam (1964) - Sam Bissel
- Under the Yum Yum Tree (1963) - Hogan
- Irma la Douce / Irma cea dulce (1963) - Nestor Patou / Lord X
- The Notorious Landlady (1962) - William 'Bill' Gridley
- Days of Wine and Roses / Zile cu vin si trandafiri (1962) - Joe Clay
- Le voyage en ballon / Stowaway in the Sky (1960) - Narator
- The Wackiest Ship in the Army (1960) - Lt. Rip Crandall
- The Apartment / Apartamentul (1960) - C.C. Baxter Trailer
- Some Like It Hot / Unora le place jazz-ul (1959) - Jerry (Daphne) Trailer
- It Happened to Jane / I s-a intamplat lui Jane (1959) - George Denham
- Cowboy (1958) - Frank Harris
- Bell Book and Candle / Abracadabra (1958) - Nicky Holroyd
- Operation Mad Ball / Operațiunea "Petrecerea anului" (1957) - Hogan
- Fire Down Below / Inamicul din adancuri (1957) - Tony
- Alcoa Theatre / Alcoa Theatre (1957) - Edward King / ... (5 episodes, 1957-1958)
- You Can't Run Away from It / De ce ți-e frică nu scapi! (1956) - Peter Warne
- Playhouse 90 (1956) - David Poole (2 episodes, 1957-1959)
- Three for the Show / Trei intr-un show (1955) - Martin Stewart
- My Sister Eileen / Sora mea, Eileen (1955) - Robert Baker
- Mister Roberts / Domnul Roberts (1955) - Frank Thurlowe Pulver
- Phffft / Ptiu! (1954) - Robert Tracey
- It Should Happen to You / O femeie excentrică (1954) - Pete Sheppard Trailer
- The Lady Takes a Sailor (1949) - Plasterer
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Il était une fois... Certains l'aiment chaud (2008)
- Starz Inside: Ladies or Gentlemen (2008)
- Il falso bugiardo (2008)
- The 80th Annual Academy Awards (2008)
- Jack Taylor of Beverly Hills (2007)
- The Making of 'Some Like It Hot' (2006)
- Billy Wilder Speaks (2006)
- The 50 Greatest Comedy Films (2006)
- ... A Father... A Son... Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2005)
- La Marató 2005 (2005)
- Cuando España se desnudó (2005)
- The China Syndrome: Creating a Controversy (2004)
- The China Syndrome: A Fusion of Talent (2004)
- Marilyn's Man (2004)
- Mwah! The Best of the Dinah Shore Show (2003)
- Magic Time: A Tribute to Jack Lemmon (2002)
- Cleavage (2002)
- 8th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2002)
- Memories from the Sweet Sue's (2001)
- The Best of Hollywood (1998)
- The Best of the Don Lane Show (1994)
- Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend / Marilyn Monroe - Dincolo de legendă (1987)
- America at the Movies (1976)
- Costa del Sol malagueña (1972)
- Hollywood My Home Town (1965)
Filmografie - Soundtrack
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Hollywood Remembers Walter Matthau (2001) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001) - Himself
- 6th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2000)
- The 52nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2000) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Laughs: America's Funniest Movies (2000) - Himself
- Forever Hollywood (1999) - Himself
- NY TV: By the People Who Made It - Part I & II (1998) - Himself
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1998) - Himself
- To Be on Camera: A History with Hamlet (1997) - Himself
- Fred MacMurray: The Guy Next Door (1997) - Himself
- Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's (1997) - Himself
- Jack Lemmon (1996) - Himself
- Jack Lemmon: America's Everyman / Jack Lemmon - Bonomul Americii (1996) - Himself
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1996) - Himself (Honoree)
- Julie Andrews: Back on Broadway (1995) - Himself
- Inside the Dream Factory (1995) - Himself
- Jane Goodall: My Life with the Chimpanzees (1995) - Narator
- The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) - Himself - in 'Cabin Boy' audition reel (pre-recorded)
- This Joint Is Jumpin' (1993) - Himself
- The First Annual Comedy Hall of Fame (1993) - Himself
- Luck, Trust & Ketchup: Robert Altman in Carver Country (1993) - Himself
- James Cagney: Top of the World (1992) - Himself - Actor
- The 5th Annual American Comedy Awards (1991) - Himself
- The 48th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1991) - Himself
- The 63rd Annual Academy Awards (1991) - Himself - Presenter: 'Ghost' Film Clip
- The One, the Only... Groucho (1991) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Presents: TV or Not TV? (1990) - Himself - Host
- Rita Hayworth: Dancing Into the Dream (1990)
- The 62nd Annual Academy Awards (1990) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Foreign Language Film (via satellite from Moscow)
- Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come (1990) - Himself
- The Earth Day Special (1990) - Himself
- Gregory Peck: His Own Man / Gregory Peck - Aristocratul (1988)
- The 60th Annual Academy Awards (1988) - Himself - Presenter: Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
- The American Film Institute Salute to Jack Lemmon (1988) - Himself - Guest of Honor
- George Burns' 90th Birthday Party: A Very Special Special (1986) - Himself - Cameo
- The 40th Annual Tony Awards (1986) - Himself - Presenter & Performer
- Liberty Weekend (1986) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Salute to Billy Wilder (1986) - Himself - Host
- The 57th Annual Academy Awards (1985) - Himself - Host
- All-Star Party for Burt Reynolds (1984) - Himself
- Olympic Gala (1984) - Invitat
- The 37th Annual Tony Awards (1983) - Himself - Co-Host & Performer
- The 55th Annual Academy Awards (1983) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role
- Portrait d'un homme 'à 60% parfait': Billy Wilder (1982) - Himself
- Stars Over Texas (1982) - Himself
- Night of 100 Stars (1982) - Himself
- Hollywood: The Gift of Laughter (1982) - Himself - Co-host
- The 54th Annual Academy Awards (1982) - Himself - Co-presenter: Best Director
- The American Film Institute Salute to Frank Capra (1982) - Himself
- Ernie Kovacs: Television's Original Genius (1982) - Himself
- The 53rd Annual Academy Awards (1981) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Co-Presenter: Best Actor in a Supporting Role
- The 38th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1981) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Motion Picture [Drama]
- The American Movie Awards (1980) - Himself - Presenter
- The 52nd Annual Academy Awards (1980) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Co-Presenter: Best Actress in a Supporting Role
- The American Film Institute Salute to James Stewart (1980) - Himself
- The 33rd Annual Tony Awards (1979) - Himself - Presenter
- The Making of 'The China Syndrome' (1979) - Himself
- Ken Murray Shooting Stars (1979) - Himself
- A Tribute to Neil Simon (1978) - Himself
- The 32nd Annual Tony Awards (1978) - Himself - Presenter
- The American Film Institute Salute to Henry Fonda (1978) - Himself
- Celebration: The American Spirit (1976) - Himself
- The 29th Annual Tony Awards (1975) - Himself - Presenter
- Urban Living: Funny and Formidable (1975) - Himself
- The 47th Annual Academy Awards (1975) - Himself - Presenter: Best Actress in a Leading Role
- The 46th Annual Academy Awards (1974) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Presenter: Honorary Award to Groucho Marx
- The American Film Institute Salute to James Cagney (1974) - Himself
- The 45th Annual Academy Awards (1973) - Himself - Presenter: Writing Awards
- The American Film Institute Salute to John Ford (1973) - Himself
- The 44th Annual Academy Awards (1972) - Himself - Co-Host
- 'S Wonderful, 'S Marvelous, 'S Gershwin (1972) - Himself - Host
- The 23rd Annual Tony Awards (1969) - Himself - Presenter
- The 38th Annual Academy Awards (1966) - Himself - Presenter: Best Picture, and recalling his award
- Behind the Scenes with Blake Edwards' 'The Great Race' (1965) - Himself
- The 36th Annual Academy Awards (1964) - Himself - Host
- The 34th Annual Academy Awards (1962) - Himself - Presenter: Writing Awards
- The 30th Annual Academy Awards (1958) - Himself - Co-host
- The 29th Annual Academy Awards (1957) - Himself - Presenter: Best Actress in a Supporting Role
- The 28th Annual Academy Awards (1956) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Supporting Role & Co-Presenter: Art Direction-Set Decoration Awards
- Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Bronc Busters (1955) - Himself
Filmografie - mulţumiri
2 premii şi 6 nominalizări Oscar, 4 premii şi 16 nominalizări Globul de Aur, 2 premii şi 2 nominalizări BAFTA, 2 premii Cannes, un premiu Berlin, 2 premii Venetia
Toate premiile »
listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
listă cu 100 actori, creată de Ionutzmovie pe 4 Iulie 2015
listă cu 224 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 12 Noiembrie 2011
Despre Jack Lemmon
A colaborat cu
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Filme 2025
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Program cinema
Actori populari
- Angelina Jolie
- Heath Ledger
- Kate Winslet
- Emilia Clarke
- Scarlett Johansson
- Jennifer Lawrence
- Născuţi azi
Trailere filme
- The Accountant 2
- Mickey 17
- A Minecraft Movie
- How to Train Your Dragon
- G20
- June and John
- We Beat the Dream Team
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
- Marked Men: Rule + Shaw
- Beating Hearts
- Captain America: Brave New World
- Out of the Nest
- Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
În curând la cinema
- A Real Pain
- Les fantômes
- Young Hearts
- Woodwalkers
- September 5
- Ainda estou aqui
- Emma and the Death's Head
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Mentorii
- Reinas
- Armand
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Mickey 17
- Julie zwijgt
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
- Grand Tour
- Suspended Time
- Queer
- Monsieur Aznavour
Filme noi în SUA
- Men of Divorce
- In the Lost Lands
- Sinners
- The Alto Knights
- Snow White
- A Working Man
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Starbright
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- The Accountant 2
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
Program TV

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Jack Lemmon
Părerea ta
Spune-ţi părereaThe Apartment
un monstru sacru...fara egal
dupa parerea mea unul dintre cei mai buni actori de comedie din toate timpurile
impreuna cu partenerul lui Walter Matthau au facut senzatie in multe filme,dar cred ca cele mai de succes au fost Grumpier Old Men 1 and 2
cine spune ca acestia nu stiu sa joace in filme inseamna ca mai are de recuperat cu privire la experienta in cinematografie
tot respectul peste cei care neau facut viata mai frumoasa prin aparitiile pe scena filmului
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