Poze (92)
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Anthony Hopkins s-a nascut si a copilarit in Wales. Tanarul Anthony isi petrecea majoritatea timpului singur, desenand sau cantand la pian. Nu era atras de scoala, notele lui nu erau dintre cele mai grozave, iar cu colegii nu se intelegea prea bine. La varsta de 17 ani a inceput cursurile colegiului de musica si drama Cardiff. Dupa aceasta a urmat 2 ani in armata.
In 1960, Hopkins s-a inscris la scoala "Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts" pe care a absolvit-o trei ani...
mai multAnthony Hopkins s-a nascut si a copilarit in Wales. Tanarul Anthony isi petrecea majoritatea timpului singur, desenand sau cantand la pian. Nu era atras de scoala, notele lui nu erau dintre cele mai grozave, iar cu colegii nu se intelegea prea bine. La varsta de 17 ani a inceput cursurile colegiului de musica si drama Cardiff. Dupa aceasta a urmat 2 ani in armata.
In 1960, Hopkins s-a inscris la scoala "Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts" pe care a absolvit-o trei ani mai tarziu. In perioada ce-a urmat Hopkins a jucat in mai multe piese de teatru. A intalnit-o pe femeia cu care se va si casatori, Petronella Barker. Impreuna au o fiica, pe nume Abigail. Dupa despartirea de aceasta, se casatoreste cu Jennifer Lynton. Hopkins a devenit foarte recunoscut pe scenele teatrelor din Marea Britanie, in roluri precum Claudius in "Hamlet", sau in "Lion In Winter". Desi la inceput juca numai in piese de teatru, cu timpul isi schimba perspectiva, se desparte de a doua sotie si se muta in America. Debutul sau pe Broadway il semneaza in 1974 in "Equus". A jucat alaturi de Mel Gibson in "Mutiny".
Are parte de roluri care nu ii ridica nivelul carierei foarte tare, precum: "The Elephant Man", "The Good Father". Urmeaza totusi sa primeasca un Oscar bine meritat pentru rolul lui Hannibal din "The Silence Of The Lamps".
Schimba genul filmelor in care joaca o data cu aparitia in "Remains Of The Day", "Howard’s Day", sau "Nixon". Urmeaza filme precum: "Shadowlands", "The Mask of Zorro", "Hannibal", "Red Dragon". Cu acesta din urma obtine un succes mai mare decat cu "Hannibal" atat din partea criticilor, cat si financiar.
Lui Anthony Hopkins nu i-au placut filmele, iar pentru productiile hollywoodiene are foarte putin respect. Singurul motiv care il mai tine in aceasta meserie il reprezinta, dupa spusele lui, banii. Cu toate acestea, este un actor renumit ce face ca aceasta meserie sa para a fi usoara.
Actorul a fost recompensat cu o stea pentru filmele sale, situată în partea de nord, aria 6800, pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
În 2021, la 83 de ani, Anthony Hopkins a câștigat premiul BAFTA și premiul Oscar la categoria Cel mai bun actor în rol principal (devenind cel mai în vârstă laureat al acestui trofeu) pentru interpretarea sa din filmul The Father.
- Rebel Moon: Part Two - The Scargiver / Rebel Moon: Partea 2: Cea care lasă cicatrici (2024) - Jimmy (voce) Trailer
- Those About to Die (2024) Trailer
- Freud's Last Session (2023) - Sigmund Freud Trailer
- Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire / Rebel Moon: Partea 1: Copilul focului (2023) - Jimmy (voce) Trailer
- The Son / Fiul (2023) Trailer
- One Life / O viață (2023) - Nicholas Winton Trailer
- Armageddon Time (2022) - Aaron Rabinowitz Trailer
- The Virtuoso (2021) - The Mentor
- The Father / Tatăl (2021) - Anthony Trailer
- Elyse (2020) - Dr. Philip Lewis Trailer
- The Two Popes / Cei doi papi (2019) - cardinalul Ratzinger / Papa Benedict Trailer
- King Lear / Regele Lear (2018) - Lear Trailer
- Thor: Ragnarok (2017) - Odin Trailer
- Transformers: The Last Knight / Transformers: Ultimul cavaler (2017) - Sir Edmund Burton Trailer
- Misconduct / Mlaștina corupției (2016) - Denning Trailer
- Collide / Coliziunea (2016) - Hagen Kahl Trailer
- Westworld (2016) - dr. Robert Ford Trailer
- The Dresser / Garderobierul (2015) - Sir Trailer
- Go with Me / Haide cu mine! (2015) - Lester
- Kidnapping Mr. Heineken / Răpirea lui Freddy Heineken (2015) - Freddy Heineken Trailer
- Solace / Premoniţii (2015) - John Clancy Trailer
- Noah / Noe (2014) - Methuselah Trailer
- Thor: The Dark World / Thor: Întunericul (2013) - Odin Trailer
- RED 2 / Greu de pensionat 2 (2013) - Bailey Trailer
- Hemingway & Fuentes (2012) - Hemingway
- Shoot the Messenger (2012)
- Hitchcock (2012) - Alfred Hitchcock Trailer
- Close Up (2011)
- 360 (2011) - John Trailer
- The Rite / Ritualul (2011) - părintele Lucas Trailer
- Thor (2011) - Odin Trailer
- You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger / Vei întâlni străinul din visele tale (2010) - Alfie Shebritch Trailer
- Bare Knuckles (2010) - Xavier Jonas
- The Wolfman / Omul-lup (2010) - Sir John Talbot Trailer
- The City of Your Final Destination / Orașul destinației finale (2009) - Adam Trailer
- Where I Stand: The Hank Greenspun Story (2008) - Hank Greenspun
- Immutable Dream of Snow Lion (2008)
- Slipstream / Distorsiuni mentale (2007) - Felix Bonhoeffer Trailer
- Fracture / Ruptura (2007) - Ted Crawford Trailer
- Beowulf (2007) - Hrothgar Trailer
- Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters (2006) - (arhivă)
- All the King's Men / Toți oamenii regelui (2006) - Judecatorul Irwin Trailer
- Bobby (2006) - John Trailer
- The World's Fastest Indian / Cel mai rapid motor din lume (2005) - Burt Munro Trailer
- Proof / Dovada (2005) - Robert Trailer
- Alexander / Alexandru (2004) - Ptolomeu Trailer
- The Human Stain / Pata umană (2003) - Coleman Silk Trailer
- The Devil and Daniel Webster / Cel mai scurt drum spre fericire (2003) - Daniel Webster
- Red Dragon / Dragonul roșu (2002) - Hannibal Lecter Trailer
- Bad Company / Dublura (2002) - Oakes Trailer
- Hearts in Atlantis / Suflete pierdute in Atlantida (2001) - Ted Brautigan Trailer
- Hannibal (2001) - Dr. Hannibal Trailer
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas / Cum a furat Grinch Crăciunul (2000) - narator (voce) Trailer
- Mission: Impossible 2 / Misiune: Imposibilă 2 (2000) - Mission Commander Swanbeck Trailer
- Instinct (1999) - Ethan Powell
- Titus / Titus Andronicus (1999) - Titus
- The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998)
- The Mask of Zorro / Masca lui Zorro (1998) - Zorro / Don Diego de la Vega Trailer
- Meet Joe Black / Întâlnire cu Joe Black (1998) - William Parrish
- The Edge / Înfruntarea (1997) - Charles Morse
- Amistad (1997) - John Quincy Adams Trailer
- Surviving Picasso / Picasso, artist si demon (1996) - Pablo Picasso
- August (1996) - Ieuan Davies
- Nixon (1995) - Richard M. Nixon
- The Road to Wellville / Drumul spre Wellville (1994) - Dr. John Harvey Kellogg
- Legends of the Fall / Legendele toamnei (1994) - colonelul William Ludlow Trailer
- A Century of Cinema (1994)
- The Trial / Procesul (1993) - Preotul
- Shadowlands / Tărâmul umbrelor (1993) - C.S. Lewis Trailer
- Selected Exits (1993) - Gwyn Thomas
- The Remains of the Day / Rămășițele zilei (1993) - James Stevens Trailer
- The Innocent / Nevinovatul (1993) - Bob Glass
- HBO First Look (1992) - Himself / ... (4 episodes, 1997-2010)
- To Be the Best / Să fii cel mai bun (1992) - Jack Figg
- Howards End / Întoarcere la Howards End (1992) - Henry J. Wilcox
- Freejack (1992) - McCandless
- Chaplin (1992) - George Hayden
- Dracula (1992) - Van Helsing Trailer
- Spotswood (1992) - Errol Wallace
- The Silence of the Lambs / Tăcerea mieilor (1991) - dr. Hannibal Lecter Trailer
- One Man's War / Razboiul lui Joel (1991) - Joel
- Desperate Hours / Ore de disperare (1990) - Tim Cornell
- Great Expectations / Marile Sperante (1989) - Abel Magwitch
- A Chorus of Disapproval / Dezaprobarea (1989) - Dafydd Ap Llewellyn
- The Tenth Man / Al zecelea om (1988) - Jean Louis Chavel
- The Dawning (1988) - Cassius
- Across the Lake (1988) - Donald Campbell
- 84 Charing Cross Road / Strada Charring Cross, nr. 84 (1987) - Frank P. Doel
- Screen Two / Screen Two (1985) - Guy Burgess
- The Good Father / Tatal cel bun (1985) - Bill Hooper
- Mussolini: The Decline and Fall of Il Duce / Eu si Mussolini (1985) - Galeazzo Ciano
- Guilty Conscience / Constiinta incarcata (1985) - Arthur Jamison
- Arch of Triumph / Arcul de Triumf (1984) - Dr. Ravic
- The Bounty / Revolta de pe Bounty (1984) - William Bligh Trailer
- A Married Man (1983) - John Strickland
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame / Cocoșatul de la Notre Dame (1982) - Quasimodo
- Peter and Paul / Petru si Pavel (1981) - Paul dinTarsus
- Othello (1981) - Othello
- Othello (1981) - Othello
- The Bunker (1981) - Adolf Hitler
- The Elephant Man / Omul elefant (1980) - dr. Frederick Treves Trailer
- A Change of Seasons (1980) - Adam Evans
- Mayflower: The Pilgrims' Adventure (1979) - Capt. Jones
- Magic / Magia (1978) - Corky / Vocea lui Fats
- International Velvet / Vis de glorie (1978) - Capitanul Johnson
- A Bridge Too Far / Un pod prea îndepărtat (1977) - Lt. col. John Frost Trailer
- Audrey Rose (1977) - Elliot Hoover
- Victory at Entebbe (1976) - Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
- The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case (1976) - Bruno Richard Hauptmann
- Dark Victory (1976) - Dr. Michael Grant
- All Creatures Great and Small / Toate viețuitoarele mari și mici (1975) - Siegfried Farnon
- Possessions (1974) - Dando
- Juggernaut / Teroare pe "Britannic" (1974) - John McCleod
- The Girl from Petrovka / Iubire interzisă (1974) - Kostya
- The Arcata Promise (1974) - Theo Gunge
- Lloyd George (1973) - David Lloyd George
- A Doll's House / Casa păpușilor (1973) - Torvald Helmer
- "War & Peace" (1972) - Pierre Bezukhov (17 episodes, 1972-1973)
- Young Winston / Tânărul Winston (1972) - Lloyd George
- Poet Game (1972) - Hugh Sanders
- When Eight Bells Toll / Când bat opt clopote (1971) - Philip Calvert
- Play for Today (1970) - Alexander Tashkov (2 episodes, 1970-1974)
- The Great Inimitable Mr. Dickens (1970) - Charles Dickens
- ITV Saturday Night Theatre (1969) - Arnold (1 episode, 1969)
- The Looking Glass War (1969) - John Avery
- Hamlet (1969) - Claudius
- The Lion in Winter / Leul în iarnă (1968) - Richard
- A Flea in Her Ear (1967) - Etienne Plucheux
- The White Bus / Autobuzul alb (1967) - Brechtian
- BBC Play of the Month (1965) - Alfred Allmers (4 episodes, 1970-1982)
- Hallmark Hall of Fame (1951)
- Slipstream / Distorsiuni mentale (2007) Trailer
- August (1996)
- Dylan Thomas: Return Journey (1990)
Filmografie - producător
- Elyse (2020) Trailer
- Go with Me / Haide cu mine! (2015)
- Bobby (2006) Trailer
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Star Movies: Live from the Red Carpet (2009) - Himself
- La noche de los Oscar (2009) - Himself
- 15th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2009) - Himself - Presenter
- 81st Annual Academy Awards (2009) - Himself - Presenter: Best Actor
- The Art of Beowulf (2008) - Himself
- Beowulf: Mapping the Journey (2008) - Himself
- A Hero's Journey: The Making of Beowulf (2008) - Himself
- Dreaming Slipstream Dream (2008) - Himself
- The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2008) - Himself
- The Blood Is the Life: The Making of 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' (2007) - Himself
- The 63rd Annual Golden Globe Awards (2006) - Himself
- Perfect Is the Enemy of Good (2005) - Himself
- The WIN Awards (2005) - Himself
- On the Set of 'Alexander' (2004) - Himself
- Premiere Women in Hollywood Awards (2004) - Himself - Presenter
- Noin (2003) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes & Villains (2003) - Dr. Hannibal Lecter (#1 Villain)
- A Director's Journey: The Making of 'Red Dragon' (2003) - Himself
- Inside 'Red Dragon' (2002) - Himself
- Nobel Peace Prize Concert (2002) - Gazdă
- Anthony Hopkins: A Taste for Hannibal (2002) - Himself - Host/Narrator
- The Remains of the Day: The Filmaker's Journey (2001) - Himself
- Blind Loyalty, Hollow Honor: England's Fatal Flaw (2001) - Himself
- Breaking the Silence: The Making of 'Hannibal' (2001) - Himself
- Dino De Laurentiis: The Last Movie Mogul (2001) - Himself
- Inside the Labyrinth: The Making of 'The Silence of the Lambs' (2001) - Himself
- Behind the Scenes: Hannibal (2001) - Himself
- The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (2001) - Himself - Presenter: Irving G. Thalberg Award to Dino De Laurentiis
- Conversations with Jon Turteltaub (2000) - Himself
- The Making of 'Titus' (2000) - Himself
- The BBC and the BAFTA Lifetime Achievement Tribute to Richard Attenborough (1999) - Himself
- The Making of 'Amistad' (1999) - Himself
- Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box (1999) - Narator
- Premio Donostia a Anthony Hopkins (1998) - Himself - Honoree
- The Uttmost (1998) - Himself
- Junket Whore (1998) - Himself
- Wie man die Leute von ihrem Geld trennt (1998) - Himself
- The Lost Children of Berlin (1997) - Narator
- The 22nd Annual People's Choice Awards (1996) - Himself
- The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Presenter: Best Adapted Screenplay
- Marlon Brando: The Wild One (1996) - Himself
- The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) - Himself - Presenter: Writing Awards
- The 20th Annual People's Choice Awards (1994) - Himself
- In Ismail's Custody (1994) - actor
- The 48th Annual Tony Awards (1994) - Himself - Co-Host
- The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Presenter: Best Foreign Language Film
- Love and Loyalty: The Making of 'The Remains of the Day' (1993) - Himself
- The 65th Annual Academy Awards (1993) - Himself - Presenter: Best Actress in a Leading Role
- Blood Lines: Dracula - The Man. The Myth. The Movies. (1992) - Himself
- The 64th Annual Academy Awards (1992) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role
- The 63rd Annual Academy Awards (1991) - Himself - Co-presenter: Writing Awards
- The European Film Awards (1988) - Himself - Presenter
- The Making of 'The Bounty' (1984) - Himself
- The 48th Annual Academy Awards (1976) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- The Big Idea (2009)
- Renegade Live @ the House of Blues (2009)
- Where I Stand: The Hank Greenspun Story (2008)
- Inside 'Red Dragon' (2002)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Cómo conseguir un papel en Hollywood (2007)
- Premio Donostia a Max Von Sydow (2006)
- Ceremonia de clausura (2005)
- Premio Donostia a Willem Dafoe (2005)
- Oscar 1994 (1994)
- Comic Relief: The Invasion of the Comic Tomatoes (1993)
Filmografie - scenarist
Filmografie - departament sunet
- Dylan Thomas: Return Journey (1990)
2 premii şi 4 nominalizări Oscar, 7 nominalizări Globul de Aur, 3 premii şi 3 nominalizări BAFTA
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Anthony Hopkins
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Anthony Hopkins
tine-o tot asa, sir!!!
Nu stie nimeni de ce arata atat de rau in ultimul timp? Sufera de vreo boala ? Desi are o anumita varsta multi actori de o seamna cu el nu si-o arata !
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