Distribuţie The Montenegros Are Shocked with Daniel's Return


The Montenegros Are Shocked with Daniel's Return


Melissa Ricks Melissa Ricks Johanna Montenegro
Coco Martin Daniel Cruz
Nonie Buencamino Miguel Ramos
Richard Gomez Marco Montenegro
Paulo Avelino Nathan Montenegro
Arlene Muhlach Perla
Joem Bascon Tomas Alcantara
Julia Montes Katerina Alcantara
Dawn Zulueta Emilia Guidotti
Ogie Diaz Kenneth
Nanding Josef Ernesto
Rita Avila Jane Bonifacio Montenegro
Helen Gamboa Margaret Cruz Montenegro
John Medina James Ocampo
Susan Roces Virginia Cruz
Film - The Montenegros Are Shocked with Daniel's Return

The Montenegros Are Shocked with Daniel's Return

The Montenegros Are Shocked with Daniel's Return
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