The Wednesday Play

(1964) - Serial TV

The Wednesday Play

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sub 5 voturi
Nota IMDB: 7.4
Un premiu şi 2 nominalizări BAFTA
Vezi toate premiile
Ian McKellen Ian McKellen Wolf (1 episode, 1965) Robert Powell Robert Powell Arkie  (3 episodes, 1969-1970) Ian McShane Ian McShane Frank
Malcolm McDowell Malcolm McDowell Happy (1 episode, 1969) Peter Sellers Peter Sellers King of Hearts (1 episode, 1966) Michael York Michael York
Brian Cox Brian Cox Nelson (1 episode, 1965) Joanna Lumley Joanna Lumley Elsie Engelfield (1 episode, 1969) Ian Holm Ian Holm Mark Lang
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Vezi şi:  filme noi drama