Distribuţie Flesh of my Flesh


Flesh of my Flesh


Gil Luna Tom Reese
Tara Walker Lindsey Corrigan
Mad Martian Fred
Jim Becker Private Becker
Matthew Martin Major Erick Vaas
Drew Barrios Iron John
Jodi Altendorf Doctor Levinsky
Michael Friedrichs Gate Guard
Rex Irae Bruce Ayala
Aurora Human Victim
Katrina Martin Nurse
Bill Kelley Mark Love
Autumn Human Victim
Tom Moorman Jeff Knapp
Nicole Swearingen Zombie Horde
Christine Becker Zombie Horde
Paul Asbury Soldier
Susan Spencer Lori
Jaime McFarland Farm Boy Zombie
Andrew Migliore Zombie Horde
Alexandra Paris Human Victim
Nolon Ashley Human Victim
Liberty Harbour Swallow Victoria
Heather Rose Pearson Katherine Ayala
Michael Harbor Radioman