Distribuţie The Passion of the Nickel Player


The Passion of the Nickel Player 


Martin Sheen Martin Sheen First Arresting Officer
George C. Scott George C. Scott Neil Brock
Cicely Tyson Cicely Tyson Jane Foster
Elizabeth Wilson Elizabeth Wilson Frieda Hechlinger
Laurie Heineman Laurie Heineman Susie Macklin (as Lori Heineman)
Joe Silver Harry Silverman
T.J. Castronovo Policeman in Brock's Office (as Tom Castronova)
Linden Chiles Congressman Manson
Martha Greenhouse Mildred Silverman
Paul Mace Davie Macklin
Bill Lazarus Second Arresting Officer
Bill Alton Policeman in the Diner (as William Alton)
John Connell Walter Macklin
Cedric Jordan Policeman in Station House
Film - The Passion of the Nickel Player

The Passion of the Nickel Player

The Passion of the Nickel Player 
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