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Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez (nascut pe 3 august 1940), cunoscut ca Martin Sheen, s-a nascut in Dayton (Ohio) si este fiul unui tata spaniol , Francisco Estévez (nascut in Salceda de Caselas, Galicia) si a unei mame irlandeze, Mary Anne Phelan (nascuta in Condado de Tipperary). Este al saptelea dintre cei zece copii ai acestei perechi .Si-a ales numele artistic in semn de gratitudine fata de episcopul de New York Fulton J. Sheen.
Sheen mereu a vrut sa fie actor in ciuda opiniei tatalui...
Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez (nascut pe 3 august 1940), cunoscut ca Martin Sheen, s-a nascut in Dayton (Ohio) si este fiul unui tata spaniol , Francisco Estévez (nascut in Salceda de Caselas, Galicia) si a unei mame irlandeze, Mary Anne Phelan (nascuta in Condado de Tipperary). Este al saptelea dintre cei zece copii ai acestei perechi .Si-a ales numele artistic in semn de gratitudine fata de episcopul de New York Fulton J. Sheen.
Sheen mereu a vrut sa fie actor in ciuda opiniei tatalui sau si si-a inceput cariera in teatrele din New York . Primul sau mare rol a fost in piesa de pe Broadway The Subject Was Roses, rol pe care l-a repetat si in adaptarea cinematografica a piesei, in 1968. Urmatorul sau rol important l-a avut in 1973 cand a jucat alaturi de Sissy Spacek in drama Badlands regizata de Terrence Malick.
In 1974, Sheen a fost nominalizat la Premiile Emmy pentru cel mai bun actor intr-o drama televizata, interpretand rolul soldatului Eddie Slovik din filmul pentru televiziune The Execution of Private Slovik . Acest rol l-a determinat pe Francis Ford Coppola sa-l aleaga ca protagonist in filmul Apocalypse Now, cu acest rol Sheen reusind sa fie unanim apreciat si recunoscut.
Sheen s-a casatorit cu o studenta, Janet Templeton, in 1961. impreuna au patru copii,trei baieti si o fata, toti implicati in cinematografie: Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez, Ramon Estevez, Renée Estevez.
Martin Sheen are o stea pe Hollywood Walk of Fame, la numarul 1500 din Vine Street. A declarat ca a fost foarte mult influentat de actorul James Dean. Sheen si-a anuntat viitoarele proiecte :” mi-ar place sa studiez literatura engleza, filozofia si teologia la Galway, in Irlanda, tara de origine a mamaei mele si al carui cetatean de onoare sunt “Martin Sheen a fost nominalizat de sase ori la Premiile Emmy Awards ca "cel mai bun interpret principal" intr-un serial pentru televiziune The West Wing – Toti oamenii presedintelui , pentru care a castigat Golden Globe si doua SAG Awards.
Martin Sheen este foarte implicat in politica atat pe plan artistic cat si in viata privata ,L-a interpretat pe presedintele John F. Kennedy in mini seria Kennedy — The Presidential Years, si pe fratele sau Robert Kennedy in serilul The Missiles of October, seful staff-ului de la casa Alba, A.J. McInnerney in The American President ,controversatul viitor presedinte Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone , presedintele imaginar al Partidului Democrat, Josiah Bartlet, in faimosul serial The West Wing
Sheen mereu si-a exprimat adeziunea la cauza liberala si a stat arestat de 63 de ori pentru proteste pentru incursiunile militare ale Statelor unite cat si pentru probleme legate de mediu. Sheen este membru onorific al lui Dayton International Peace Museum. In 10 aprilie 2006, New York Times a publicat un aricol potrivit caruia ,unii din membrii Partidului Democrat din Ohio, l-au contactat pe Martin Sheen pentru a incerca sa-l convinga sa accepte candidatura la Senat. Sheen a declinat oferta: "Voi vreti sa schimbati celebritatea pe credibilitate, nu este just! “
Actorul a fost recompensat cu o stea pentru filmele sale, situată în partea de est, aria 1500, pe Vine Street.
- Judas and the Black Messiah / Iuda și Mesia negru (2021) - J. Edgar Hoover Trailer
- 12 Mighty Orphans / 12 orfani fantastici (2021) - Doc Hall Trailer
- Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age / Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age (2021)
- Princess of the Row / Prințesa din mahala (2020) - John Austin
- The Devil Has a Name / The Devil Has a Name (2019) - Ralph
- The '90s Greatest (2018)
- American Dynasties: The Kennedys / American Dynasties: The Kennedys (2018) - 6 episodes, 2018
- The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island / The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island (2018) - James Alden (voice)
- Come Sunday / Erezia (2018) - Oral Roberts Trailer
- Is O.J. Innocent? The Missing Evidence (2017)
- L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars / L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars (2016) - Matthew Cuthbert
- Anne of Green Gables / Anne de la Green Gables (2016) - Matthew Cuthbert
- The Wounded Dove (2016) - Narrator (2015)
- The Vessel / Barca (2016) - Father Douglas
- Rules Don't Apply / Regulile nu se aplică (2016) - Noah Dietrich Trailer
- Grace and Frankie (2015) - Robert Hanson Trailer
- Two by Two / Ups! Am pierdut arca (2015) - Leul (voce) Trailer
- Badge of Honor / Datorie și onoare (2015) - Daniel Richards Trailer
- The '90s: The Last Great Decade? / Anii '90 (2014) - Self
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver / Știrile săptămânii cu John Oliver (2014)
- The Boxcar Children (2014) - Grandfather Alden (voice)
- Ask Me Anything (2014) - Glenn Warburg
- Trash / Gunoi (2014) - părintele Juilliard
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 / Uimitorul Om-Păianjen 2 (2014) - unchiul Ben Trailer
- Selma (2014) - Frank Minis Johnson Trailer
- Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain / Bhopal: O rugăciune pentru ploaie (2014) - Warren Anderson Trailer
- Anger Management (2012) - Martin Goodson Trailer
- The Amazing Spider-Man / Uimitorul Om-Păianjen (2012) - Ben Parker Trailer
- Stella Days / Vremurile Stellei (2011) - Fr. Daniel Barry
- The Double / Joc Dublu (2011) Trailer
- Flatland / (2011) - Arthur Square
- Curiosity (2011) - Himself - Narrator (2 episodes, 2011)
- Shay Cullen: A Life Story / (2010) - Himself
- The Way / Drumul (2010) - Tom Trailer
- Apocalypse - La 2ème guerre mondiale (2009) - Narrator (english version) (6 episodes, 2009) Trailer
- Chamaco (2009) - Dr. Frank Irwin
- Echelon Conspiracy / Conspirație la nivel înalt (2009) - Raymond Burke Trailer
- Love Happens / Dragoste fără preaviz (2009) Trailer
- Imagine That / Puterea imaginației (2009) - Dante D'Enzo Trailer
- Paris Hilton Gets Presidential with Martin Sheen (2008)
- Hope Not Lost (2008) - Narator
- The End of Poverty? (2008) - Narator (voce) Trailer
- Flatland: The Movie (2007) - Arthur Square
- Talk to Me / Vorbește cu mine (2007) - E.G. Sonderling
- America's Game: The Superbowl Champions (2006) - Himself - Narrator / ... (2 episodes, 2006)
- Diners, Drive-ins and Dives (2006)
- Who Killed the Electric Car? / Destinul masinii electrice (2006) - Narator (voce)
- Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip / Studio 60 (2006) - Radio Host (1 episode, 2007)
- Bordertown / Orașul tăcerii (2006) - George Morgan Trailer
- The Departed / Cârtița (2006) - Queenan Trailer
- Bobby (2006) - Jack Trailer
- James Dean: Forever Young / James Dean: Pururea tanar (2005) - Naratorul
- Jerusalemski sindrom (2004)
- Los reyes magos (2003) - Gaspar
- Two and a Half Men / Doi bărbați și jumătate (2003) - Harvey Trailer
- Milost mora (2003) - Frederik
- The Commission (2003) - Dep. Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach
- We the People (2002)
- Catch Me If You Can / Prinde-mă! Dacă poți! (2002) - Tatal lui Brenda Trailer
- The Apostle Paul: The Man Who Turned the World Upside Down. (2001) - Narator
- O / "O" de la Othello (2001) - Coach Duke Goulding
- Forget Me Never / Să nu mă uiți! (1999) - Jack
- The Time Shifters / Călători prin timp (1999) - Grifasi
- The West Wing / Viața la Casa Albă (1999) - Presedintele Josiah Bartlet
- The Darklings (1999) - Ira Everett
- Ninth Street (1999) - Father Frank
- A Texas Funeral / Inmormantare in stil Texan (1999) - Bunicul Sparta
- D.R.E.A.M. Team (1999) - J.W. Garrison
- Storm / Uraganul (1999) - Generalul James Roberts
- Total Recall 2070 / Total Recall 2070 (1999)
- Gunfighter / Pistolarul (1999) - Strainul
- Stranger in the Kingdom (1999) - Sigurd Moulton
- Lost & Found / Pierdut și regăsit (1999) - Millstone
- Family Attraction (1998) - President
- Phenomenon: The Lost Archives (1998) - Voice Over (1 episode)
- Voyage of Terror (1998) - Henry Northcutt
- Babylon 5: The River of Souls / Babylon 5: Raul sufletelor (1998) - Soul Hunter
- Shadrach (1998) - Naratorul (voce)
- No Code of Conduct / Fără onoare (1998) - Bill Peterson
- Free Money / Bani de-a gata (1998) - New Warden
- Snitch (1998) - Hanlon
- A Letter from Death Row (1998) - Michael´s Father
- Medusa's Child / Proiectul Meduza (1997) - President (U.S.)
- Truth or Consequences, N.M. / Ultima șansă (1997) - Sir
- Spawn / Arma dreptății (1997) - Jason Wynn
- Gun / Gun (1997) - Van Guinness (1 episode, 1997)
- Alchemy (1996) - King Arthur
- Crystal Cave (1996) - King Arthur
- The War at Home / Frontul de acasa (1996) - Bob Collier
- Project: ALF (1996) - Col. Gilbert Milfoil
- Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story (1996) - Peter Maurin
- The Elevator / Liftul (1996) - Sarge
- Spin City / Orice e posibil (1996) - Charlie Crawford's Dad (2 episodes, 2002)
- Present Tense, Past Perfect (1995) - Brian
- Sacred Cargo (1995) - Father Andrew Kanvesky
- Gospa (1995) - Father Jozo Zovko
- Dillinger and Capone (1995) - John Dillinger
- Dead Presidents / Fără speranță (1995) - The Judge
- Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma (1995)
- Captain Nuke and the Bomber Boys (1995) - Jeff Snyder
- The Break / Antrenorul (1995) - Gil Robbins
- The American President / Dragostea unui președinte american (1995) - A. J. MacInerney
- Running Wild / Frumoasa si leopardul (1995) - Dan Walker
- Bah, Humbug!: The Story of Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' (1994) - Narrator / Bob Cratchit / Scrooge's Nephew / The Two Gentlemen / Marley's Ghost / Ghosts of Christmases Past and Present / Fezziwig / Mrs.Cratchit / Tiny Tim
- Trigger Fast (1994) - Jackson Baines Hardin/Ole Devil
- Roswell (1994) - Townsend
- One of Her Own / Pe cont propriu (1994)
- Hits! (1994) - Kelly
- Guns of Honor / Arme si onoare (1994) - Jackson Baines Hardin
- Boca / Lordul crimelor (1994) - Jesse James Montgomery
- When the Bough Breaks / Cand se rupe craca (1994) - Capitanul Swaggert
- Fortunes of War (1994) - Francis Labeck
- Braving Alaska (1993) - Narator
- A Matter of Justice / Justitie finala (1993) - Jack Brown
- The Killing Box / Brigada fantomă (1993) - generalul Haworth
- Hot Shots! Part Deux / Formidabilul 2 (1993) - Benjamin L. Willard Trailer
- Hear No Evil / Dincolo de tăcere (1993) - Locotenentul Brock
- Gettysburg (1993) - Generalul Robert E. Lee
- Queen (1993) - James Jackson Sr.
- The Last P.O.W.? The Bobby Garwood Story / Garwood: Prizonier de război (1992)
- The Water Engine (1992) - Chain Letter Voice
- Original Intent / Schimbari majore (1992) - Joe
- Touch and Die (1992) - Frank
- Srpski vodovi smrti (1991) - Narator
- Pomozite Hrvatskoj (1991) - Narator
- Jugoslavenska Armija pomaze srpski terorizam (1991) - Narator
- The Maid / Menajera (1991) - Anthony Wayne
- JFK (1991)
- Guilty Until Proven Innocent (1991) - Harold Hohne
- Cadence / In cadenta (1990) - Otis V. McKinney
- Captain Planet and the Planeteers / Captain Planet (1990) - Sly Sludge
- Nightbreaker (1989) - Dr. Alexander Brown - Present
- Marked for Murder (1989) - Man in Park
- Cold Front / Lunetistul (1989) - John Hyde
- Beyond the Stars / Dincolo de stele (1989) - Paul Andrews
- Beverly Hills Brats (1989) - Dr. Jeffrey Miller
- Judgment in Berlin (1988) - Herbert J Stern
- Da / Amintiri (1988) - Charlie
- Murphy Brown (1988) - Nick Brody
- Wall Street (1987) - Carl Fox
- Siesta (1987) - Del
- Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8 (1987) - James Marion Hunt
- The Believers / În numele credinței (1987) - Cal Jamison
- A Life in the Day (1986) - Narator
- National Geographic Video: Secrets of the Titanic (1986) - Narator
- A State of Emergency (1986) - Dr. Alex Carmody
- Shattered Spirits (1986) - Lyle Mollencamp
- Samaritan: The Mitch Snyder Story / Povestea lui Mitch Snyder (1986) - Mitch Snyder
- News at Eleven (1986) - Frank Kenley
- Out of the Darkness (1985) - Eddie Zigo
- The Fourth Wise Man (1985) - Artaban
- Consenting Adult (1985) - Ken Lynd
- The Guardian (1984) - Charlie Hyatt
- Firestarter / Declanșatorul (1984) - Captain Hollister
- Man, Woman and Child / Barbatul, femeia si copilul (1983) - Robert Beckwith
- The Dead Zone / Zonă moartă (1983) - Greg Stillson
- Choices of the Heart (1983) - Father Philan
- Kennedy (1983) - John F. Kennedy
- In the King of Prussia (1983) - Judge Samuel Salus II
- Enigma (1983) - Alex Holbeck
- No Place to Hide (1982) - Narator
- That Championship Season / Campioni ratați (1982) - Tom Daley
- In the Custody of Strangers / Coșmar după gratii (1982) - Frank Caldwell
- Gandhi (1982) - Vince Walker Trailer
- Loophole / Punctul slab (1981) - Stephen Booker
- The Final Countdown / Numaratoare inversa (1980) - Warren Lasky
- Eagle's Wing / Aripa de vultur (1979) - Pike
- Apocalypse Now / Apocalipsul acum (1979) - Capitanul Benjamin Willard Trailer
- Blind Ambition (1979) - John Dean
- Taxi!!! (1978) - Şofer de taxi
- The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane / Fetița din capătul străzii (1976) - Frank Hallet
- The Cassandra Crossing / Podul Cassandra (1976) - Robby Navarro
- Sweet Hostage (1975) - Leonard Hatch
- The Last Survivors (1975) - Alexander William Holmes
- The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd (1974) - Charles Arthur 'Pretty Boy' Floyd
- The Missiles of October (1974) - Att. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy
- The Legend of Earl Durand (1974) - Luther Sykes
- The Execution of Private Slovik (1974) - Eddie Slovik
- The California Kid / California Kid (1974) - Michael McCord
- When the Line Goes Through (1973) - Bluff Jackson
- Message to My Daughter (1973) - John Thatcher
- Letters from Three Lovers (1973) - Vincent
- Crime Club (1973) - Deputy Wade Wilson
- Badlands / Banda sălbatică (1973) - Kit Carruthers
- That Certain Summer (1972) - Gary McClain
- Rage (1972) - Maj. Holliford
- Pursuit (1972) - Timothy Drew
- Pickup on 101 (1972) - Les
- The Streets of San Francisco (1972) - Dean Knox (1 episode, 1973)
- Welcome Home, Johnny Bristol (1972) - Graytak
- No Drums, No Bugles (1972) - Ashby Gatrell
- Columbo (1971) - Karl Lessing (1 episode, 1973)
- Mongo's Back in Town (1971) - Gordon
- Goodbye, Raggedy Ann (1971) - Jules Worthman
- Cannon (1971) - Jerry Warton (3 episodes, 1972-1973)
- Catch-22 / Aliniatul 22 (1970) - 1st Lt. Dobbs
- The Andersonville Trial (1970) - Captain Williams
- Dan August (1970) - Norman Sayles (1 episode, 1971)
- ITV Saturday Night Theatre (1969) - Father Kinsella (1 episode, 1973)
- "The Young Lawyers" (1969) - Reverend Jimmy Haines (1 episode, 1970)
- Medical Center (1969) - Glen (2 episodes, 1970-1973)
- Love, American Style (1969) - Dr. Art Parmel (segment "Love and the Swinging Surgeon") (1 episode, 1973)
- Bracken's World (1969) - Joey Jason (1 episode, 1970)
- The Subject Was Roses / Rezistența trandafirilor (1968) - Timmy Cleary
- "The Mod Squad" (1968) - Danny Morgan (1 episode, 1970)
- Hawaii Five-O (1968) - Arthur Dixon (2 episodes, 1970)
- The Incident / Incidentul (1967) - Artie Connors
- Mannix (1967) - Alex Lachlan (1 episode, 1972)
- Ironside (1967) - Johnny (1 episode, 1970)
- Ten Blocks on the Camino Real (1966) - Kilroy
- Mission: Impossible / Misiune: Imposibila (1966) - Lieutenant Albert Brocke (1 episode, 1969)
- The Defenders (1961) - Adam Novins (4 episodes, 1961-1964)
- Route 66 (1960) - Packy (1 episode, 1961)
- The United States Steel Hour / The United States Steel Hour (1953) - 3 episodes, 1962-1963
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Michael Douglas (2009) - Himself
- The 7th Annual TV Land Awards (2009) - Himself
- Franz Jaegerstaetter: A Man of Conscience (2009) - Franz Jaegerstaetter
- Desconocida (2009) - Narator
- Dean and Me: Roadshow of an American Primary (2008) - Himself
- Vietnam: American Holocaust (2008) - Narator
- Speechless (2008) - Himself
- Finding Our Voices: Stories of American Dissent (2008) - Narator
- Chabad: To Life Telethon (2008) - Himself - Video Guest
- The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards (2008) - Himself - Presenter
- Flower in the Gun Barrel (2008) - Narator
- Exposing the Juarez Murders: The Making of 'Bordertown' (2008) - Himself
- They Killed Sister Dorothy (2008) - Narator
- A Soldier's Peace (2008) - Himself
- Proving Holiness (2007) - Narator
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Greatest Movies: 10th Anniversary Edition (2007) - Himself
- The 12th Annual Critics' Choice Awards (2007) - Himself - Presenter
- On the Line: Dissent in an Age of Terrorism (2007) - Himself
- The People's President (2006) - Narator
- The Music of Apocalypse Now (2006) - Himself
- A Million Feet of Film: The Editing of Apocalypse Now (2006) - Himself
- The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2006) - Himself
- 50 Films to See Before You Die (2006) - Himself
- Ten Days That Unexpectedly Changed America: The Homestead Strike (2006) - Himself/Narrator
- Between Iraq and a Hard Place (2006) - Narator
- Aleut Story (2005) - Narator
- The 100 Greatest War Films (2005) - Himself
- Why Shakespeare? (2005) - Himself
- The 31st Annual People's Choice Awards (2005) - Himself
- Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde (2004) - Himself
- Helen's War (2004) - Himself
- Winning New Hampshire (2004) - Himself
- Learning to Sea (2004) - Narator
- Diary of a Political Tourist (2004) - Himself
- Rebel Frontier (2004) - Narator
- The Rise of the Celebrity Class (2004) - Himself
- 'Catch Me If You Can': The Casting of the Film (2003) - Himself
- All the Presidents' Movies (2003) - Narator
- Get Up, Stand Up (2003) - Himself/Interviewee
- Hidden in Plain Sight (2003) - Narator
- Absence of Malick (2003) - Himself
- Bringing Down a Dictator (2002) - Narator
- The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2002) - Himself - Presenter
- Sudbina mi nije dala da odem (2002) - Narator
- The West Wing Documentary Special (2002) - President Josiah 'Jed' Bartlet
- Rosy-Fingered Dawn: a Film on Terrence Malick (2002) - Himself
- Straight Up: Helicopters in Action (2002) - Narator
- When Shoulderpads Ruled the World (2002) - Himself
- The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2002) - Himself
- The Making of Bret Michaels (2002) - Himself
- Heroes for the Planet: A Tribute to National Geographic (2001) - Himself
- Echoes from the White House (2001) - Himself - Host
- Enemies of War (2001) - Himself - Narrator
- SOA: Guns and Greed (2001) - Himself
- The 53rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2001)
- Stockpile (2001) - Narator
- 7th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2001) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor [Drama Series], Best Ensemble [Drama Series]
- The Papp Project (2001) - Himself
- Great Wall Across the Yangtze (2000) - Himself/Narrator
- Money Never Sleeps (2000) - Himself
- The 52nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2000) - Himself
- Hollywood, D.C. (2000) - Himself
- The Twelve Apostles (1999) - Narator
- The BBC and the BAFTA Lifetime Achievement Tribute to Richard Attenborough (1999) - Himself
- In Dreams: The Roy Orbison Story (1999) - Himself
- The Vietnam War: A Descent Into Hell (1999) - Narator
- War Dogs: America's Forgotten Heroes (1999) - Narator
- Hubble: Secrets from Space (1998) - Himself - Host
- Cinema Combat: Hollywood Goes to War (1998) - Narator
- Holes in Heaven (1998) - Narator
- Taylor's Campaign (1998) - Narator
- Innovation (1997) - Himself - Host
- Croatia: Land of 1,100 Islands & 101 Dalmatians (1997) - Narator
- Tudjman (1997) - Narator
- Titanic: Anatomy of a Disaster (1997) - Narator
- 187: Documented (1997) - Voice
- Raise the Bamboo Curtain: Vietnam, Cambodia, and Burma (1996)
- Marlon Brando: The Wild One (1996) - Himself
- Once There Was a Ballpark (1995) - Himself
- Carrier: Fortress at Sea (1995) - Narator
- Congo: Journey Into the Unknown (1995) - Narator
- The Making of 'Gettysburg' (1993) - Narrator / Himself / Gen. Robert E. Lee - Confederate
- The King and I: Recording a Hollywood Dream (1993) - Himself
- Alive: 20 Years Later (1993) - Narator
- 1968: The 25th Anniversary (1993) - Himself
- Choices (1992) - Himself
- Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) - Himself
- Cross Over (1989) - Narator
- Get Out the Vote (1988) - Himself
- Walking After Midnight (1988) - Himself
- The China Odyssey: 'Empire of the Sun', a Film by Steven Spielberg (1987) - Narator
- Spaceflight (1985) - Narator
- The Funniest Joke I Ever Heard (1984) - Himself
- I Love Liberty (1982)
- Circus of the Stars #3 (1979) - Himself - Performer
- A Salute to American Imagination (1978) - Himself
- Rolling Stone Magazine: The 10th Anniversary (1977) - Himself
- America at the Movies (1976) - 1st. Lt. Dobbs
- Pat Neal Is Back (1968) - Himself
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Strawberry Fields Keeping the Spirit of John Lennon Alive (2009)
- Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde (2004)
- Absence of Malick (2003)
- Money Never Sleeps (2000)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- President Hollywood (2008)
- Oscar, que empiece el espectáculo (2008)
- The Politics of 'The Dead Zone' (2006)
- USA the Movie (2005)
- Rated 'R': Republicans in Hollywood (2004)
- Sex and the City: A Farewell (2004)
- Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (2004)
- Comedy Central Roast of Denis Leary (2003)
- The Godfather Family: A Look Inside (1990)
- Apocalypse Pooh (1987)
Filmografie - producător
- Nightbreaker (1989)
- Judgment in Berlin (1988)
Un premiu şi 7 nominalizări Globul de Aur, o nominalizare BAFTA
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listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
listă cu 36 actori, creată de hotmandrive pe 27 Aprilie 2011
listă cu 51 actori, creată de Ionutz180 pe 12 Noiembrie 2012
Despre Martin Sheen
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A colaborat cu
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
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- Filme 2024
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- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- Surviving Black Hawk Down
- Imagine Dragons: Live from the...
- Mentorii
- Becoming Led Zeppelin
- Novocaine
- Smurfs
- Jurassic World Rebirth
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- Captain America: Brave New World
- Beating Hearts
- Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
- Out of the Nest
- Marked Men: Rule + Shaw
- Ainda estou aqui
- September 5
- Woodwalkers
- Young Hearts
- Les fantômes
- A Real Pain
- Emma and the Death's Head
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Mentorii
- Reinas
- Armand
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Mickey 17
- Julie zwijgt
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
Filme noi în SUA
- Men of Divorce
- In the Lost Lands
- Sinners
- Snow White
- The Alto Knights
- A Working Man
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- Michael
- Starbright
- The Accountant 2
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
Program TV

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Martin Sheen
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Spune-ţi părereaUn veteran al cinematografiei!
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nu stiam ca a jucat in atitea filme
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