Distribuţie The Beanbarrow, the Burden and the Bright Bouquet


The Beanbarrow, the Burden and the Bright Bouquet


Dave Goelz Dave Goelz Boober Fraggle
John Gordon Sinclair John Gordon Sinclair PK (UK version)
Jerry Nelson Jerry Nelson Gobo Fraggle
Kathryn Mullen Mokey Fraggle
Gerard Parkes Doc (as Gerry Parkes)
Bob Stutt Muppet Performer
Rob Mills Lanford (voice) (as Robert Mills)
Karen Prell Red Fraggle
Mike Petersen Muppet Performer
Tim Gosley Muppet Performer
John Pattison Henchy Fraggle (voice)
Lee Armstrong Muppet Performer
Terry Angus Muppet Performer
Sandra Shamas Muppet Performer
Tom Vandenberg Muppet Performer