Distribuţie Beneath a Sea of Lights


Beneath a Sea of Lights 


Barkhad Abdi Barkhad Abdi Caweys
Asheesh Kapur Darbaan
Jameel Khan Vinay
Jim Sarbh Jimmy
Atul Srivastava Vinay
Casey Shannon Salesman
Syed Shujat Security Manager
Chuka Ekweogwu Security Guard
Marian Dumitru Marian Dumitru curierul
Anwar Hussain Ramu
Meghana Fareed Sabina
Danil Bornventure Bodyguard
Sandeep Sequeira Tariq
Simon Williams Car crash responder
Ayman Emara Ayman
Megan Pormer Lucille
Louai Jaghoub The boy that returned the watch
Laura McCone Siren
Shabbir Beguwala Barber