Distribuţie Tea in a Thunder Cup





Lizet Benrey Victim's Aunt, Coffee Shop Scenes, Grieving
Verena Stenke Pagnes The Neighbours
Michael Douglas Hawk Mr.Curruthers
Danny Germansen Angel with Wings, Corridor to Eternity
Christopher Borkowski Art Inclusion "Run"
Larry Caveney Interview, Coffee Shop Scene
Grant Bayman Victim
Neil Howe
Joas Sebastian Nebe Hitman Works for Mr.Curruthers
Victor Martinez Diaz Victim Hanging
Ali Ettehad
Faye Gatley Julie
Germán Britch Internet Stranger in Green Room
Icetrip Estevez Victim
Stephanie Saskia du Preez
William Esdale The Living Wall
Alison Williams
Alberto Guerreiro Blindfolded Man - the Afterlife
Marietjie van Niekerk
Andrea Pagnes The Neighbours
Richard Jochum Reiner


Alison Williams producător
Lizet Benrey coproducator
Germán Britch coproducator
Larry Caveney coproducator
Glenn William Church coproducator
William Esdale coproducator
Icetrip Estevez coproducator
Alberto Guerreiro coproducator
Michael Douglas Hawk coproducator
Neil Howe coproducator
Ulf Kristiansen coproducator
Bill Millett coproducator
Joas Sebastian Nebe coproducator
Andrea Pagnes coproducator
Verena Stenke Pagnes coproducator
Anders Weberg coproducator
Masha Yozefpolsky coproducator
Alison Williams producător executiv