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Numele sau real este Jonathan Voight. Tatal lui, Elmer Voight, american de origine ceha, a fost jucator profesionist de golf, insa in urma unui accident la coloana vertebrala a trebuit sa se rezume la cariera de instructor de golf. Mama lui, Barbara, nu s-a angajat niciodata. Are 2 frati, Barry, expert vulcanolog, si James, compozitor celebru.
Jon si-a dorit sa fie actor de la varsta de 3 ani. A absolvit Liceul Arhiepiscopal Stepinac, in cursul caruia a jucat in numeroase piese de teatru si s-a ocupat de decoruri, gratie...
Numele sau real este Jonathan Voight. Tatal lui, Elmer Voight, american de origine ceha, a fost jucator profesionist de golf, insa in urma unui accident la coloana vertebrala a trebuit sa se rezume la cariera de instructor de golf. Mama lui, Barbara, nu s-a angajat niciodata. Are 2 frati, Barry, expert vulcanolog, si James, compozitor celebru.
Jon si-a dorit sa fie actor de la varsta de 3 ani. A absolvit Liceul Arhiepiscopal Stepinac, in cursul caruia a jucat in numeroase piese de teatru si s-a ocupat de decoruri, gratie talentului la desen.
In anul 1960 absolvit Universitatea Catolica Americana, din Washington DC. Dupa stagiul in armata efectual la Fort Dirx, a plecat la New York pentru a-si urma visul de a deveni actor. Aici s-a remarcat mai intai pe Broadway, in piesa "Sunetul muzicii".
Insa, convins fiind ca un actor nu ar trebui sa accepte decat roluri care sa il pasioneze cu adevarat, ii era foarte greu sa gaseasca de lucru. Rolul care l-a consacrat a fost cel al lui Joe Buck din filmul "Midnight Cowboy" (1969), pentru care a primit o nominalizare la premiul Oscar.
Spre sfarsitul anilor '80 si-a intrerupt cariera pentru a petrece mai mult timp alaturi de mama sa, care suferea de cancer.
Pe parcursul vietii a desfasurat nenumarate activitati caritabile. Ii plac atat rolurile pozitive, cat si cele negative; atat filmele de actiune, cat si cele psihologice. Este tatal actritei Angelina Jolie.
- Strangers (2024) Trailer
- Shadow Land (2024) Trailer
- Reagan (2024) - Viktor Petrovich Trailer
- Megalopolis (2024) - Hamilton Crassus III Trailer
- Mercy (2023) - Patrick Quinn Trailer
- Ray Donovan: The Movie / Ray Donovan: Filmul (2022) - Mickey Donovan Trailer
- JL Family Ranch 2 / Ferma familiei Landsburg 2 (2021) - John Landsburg
- Orphan Horse / Orphan Horse (2018) - Ben Crowley
- Surviving the Wild / Spiritul pădurii (2018) - Gus
- Same Kind of Different as Me / Diferit, la fel ca mine (2017) - Earl Trailer
- JL Ranch / Ferma familiei Landsburg (2016) - John
- The Wizard (2016) - directorul Skinner
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them / Animale fantastice și unde le poți găsi (2016) - Shaw Senior Trailer
- A Christmas Eve Miracle (2015) - Jerry the Dog (voce)
- Woodlawn (2015) - Paul Bryant Trailer
- Baby Geniuses 5 / (2015) - Moriarty
- Baby Geniuses 4 / (2014) - Moriarty
- Dracula: The Dark Prince (2013) - Van Helsing
- Ray Donovan (2013) - Mickey Donovan Trailer
- Getaway / Cursă explozivă (2013) - vocea Trailer
- BG3: Play Kids / (2012) - șofer de taxi
- Beyond (2012) - Jon Koski
- Casting By (2012) - el însuși
- Pablo (2012) - el însuși
- Stardust (2010) - el însuși Trailer
- Lone Star (2010) - Clint Thatcher
- Clarkworld (2009) - el însuși Trailer
- An American Carol / Colind de 4 iulie: Cântarea Americii (2008) - George Washington Trailer
- Tropic Thunder / Furtuna tropicală (2008) - Jon Voight Trailer
- 24 (2008) - Jonas Hodges
- Pride and Glory / Mândrie și Glorie (2008) - Francis Tierney, Sr. Trailer
- Four Christmases / De Crăciun nu stăm acasă! (2008) - Creighton Trailer
- Bratz: The Movie / Bratz (2007) - directorul Dimly Trailer
- September Dawn (2007) - Jacob Samuelson Trailer
- National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets / Comoara Națională: Cartea Secretelor (2007) - Patrick Gates Trailer
- Transformers / Transformers - Războiul lor în lumea noastră (2007) - John Keller Trailer
- Olhar Estrangeiro (2006) - el însuși
- The Legend of Simon Conjurer (2006) - dr. Crazx
- Glory Road / Drumul spre victorie (2006) - Adolph Rupp
- Pope John Paul II (2005) - Pope John Paul II / Karol Wojtyla
- The Five People You Meet in Heaven / Cinci prieteni în Viața de Apoi (2004) - Eddie
- National Treasure / Comoara națională (2004) - Patrick Gates Trailer
- The Manchurian Candidate / Candidatul altora (2004) - Thomas Jordan Trailer
- The Karate Dog (2004) - Hamilton Cage
- Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) - Bill Biscane / Kane Trailer
- Jasper, Texas (2003) - Billy Rowles
- Holes / Secrete îngropate (2003) - dl. Sir Trailer
- The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) - el însuși
- Second String / Echipa de rezerve (2002) - Chuck Dichter
- Britney Spears Live from Las Vegas (2001) - povestitorul
- 24 / 24 de ore (2001) - Jonas Hodges Trailer
- Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story / Jack și vrejul de fasole (2001) - Siggy (Sigfried Mannheim)
- Uprising / Revoltă la Varșovia (2001) - Jurgen Stroop Trailer
- Ali (2001) - Howard Cosell Trailer
- Pearl Harbor (2001) - președintele Roosevelt Trailer
- Zoolander / Zoolander Manechinul (2001) - Larry Zoolander Trailer
- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) - Richard Croft Trailer
- The Prince and the Surfer / Print si surfer (1999) - prezentator
- Noah's Ark / Arca lui Noe (1999) - Noah
- A Dog of Flanders (1999) - Michel
- Varsity Blues / Invingatorii (1999) - Kilmer
- Boys Will Be Boys (1999) - Palladino
- The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998) - el însuși
- The Fixer / Cu constiinta curata (1998) - Jack Killoran
- The General / Generalul (1998) - Ned Kenny
- Enemy of the State / Inamicul statului (1998) - Thomas Brian Reynolds Trailer
- U Turn / Ocol primejdios (1997) - orbul
- Rosewood / Masacrul din Rosewood (1997) - John Wright
- The Rainmaker / Omul care aduce ploaia (1997) - Leo F. Drummond Trailer
- Most Wanted / Inamicul public (1997) - Casey / Woodward
- Anaconda (1997) - Paul Serone Trailer
- Mission: Impossible / Misiune: Imposibilă (1996) - Jim Phelps Trailer
- Tin Soldier / Soldatelul de tinichea (1995) - Yarik
- Heat / Obsesia (1995) - Nate Trailer
- Convict Cowboy / Deținutul cowboy (1995) - Ry Weston
- Return to Lonesome Dove / Întoarcerea la Lonesome Dove (1993) - Woodrow F. Call
- The Rainbow Warrior / Scufundarea vaporului Rainbow (1992) - Peter Willcox
- The Last of His Tribe / Ultimul supraviețuitor (1992) - Alfred Kroeber
- Eternity / Eternitate (1992) - Edward / James
- Chernobyl: The Final Warning (1991) - dr. Robert Gale
- Seinfeld (1989)
- Desert Bloom / Floarea desertului (1986) - Jack Chismore
- Runaway Train / Trenul evadării (1985) - Manny Trailer
- Table for Five (1983) - J. P. Tannen
- Lookin' to Get Out / Pagubosii la Las Vegas (1982) - Alex Kovac Trailer
- The Champ / Campionul (1979) - Billy Flynn
- Coming Home / Intoarcerea acasa (1978) - Luke Martin
- Der Richter und sein Henker / End of the Game (1975) - Walter Tschanz
- The Odessa File / Dosarul Odessa (1974) - Peter Miller
- Conrack (1974) - Pat Conroy
- The All-American Boy / Băiatul american (1973) - Vic Bealer
- Deliverance / Eliberarea (1972) - Ed
- The Revolutionary / Revolutionarul (1970) - A
- Catch-22 / Aliniatul 22 (1970) - Milo Minderbinder
- Midnight Cowboy / Cowboyul de la miezul nopții (1969) - Joe Buck
- Out of It (1969) - Russ
- Hour of the Gun / Ora pistolarilor (1967) - Curly Bill Brocius
- Fearless Frank / Cea mai mare aventură a lui Frank (1967) - Fearless Frank
- N.Y.P.D. / N.Y.P.D. (1967) - Adam
- Coronet Blue / Coronet Blue (1967) - Peter Wicklow
- Cimarron Strip / Șeriful din Cimarron (1967) - Bill Mason
- 12 O'Clock High (1964) - Karl Holtke
- The Defenders (1961) - Cliff Wakeman / Alan Link
- Naked City / Naked City (1958) - Victor Binks
- Gunsmoke (1955) - Steven Downing / Cory / Petter Karlgren
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin' About Him?) (2010) - Himself
- Football Is a Way of Life: The Making of 'Varsity Blues' (2009) - Himself
- 24 in 24 (2009) - Himself
- Source of Pride: The Making of 'Pride and Glory' (2009)
- A Year in the Life (2009) - Himself
- 2008 Camie Awards (2008) - Himself
- NT2: Underground Action (2008)
- NT2: Set in History (2008) - Himself
- NT2: Secrets of a Sequel (2008) - Himself
- NT2: On Location (2008) - Himself
- NT2: Evolution of a Golden City (2008) - Himself
- NT2: Crafting the Presidents' Book (2008) - Himself
- Chabad: To Life Telethon (2008) - Himself
- No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo & Vilmos (2008) - Himself
- Chabad Telethon (2007) - Himself
- Our World (2007) - Himself
- Deliverance: The Journey (2007) - Himself
- Deliverance: The Beginning (2007) - Himself
- Deliverance: Delivered (2007) - Himself
- Deliverance: Betraying the River (2007) - Himself
- Tribeca Film Festival Presents: Live from the Red Carpet (2006) - Himself
- Controversy and Acclaim (2006) - Himself - 'Joe Buck'
- Celebrating Schlesinger (2006) - Himself
- After Midnight: Reflecting on a Classic 35 Years Later (2006) - Himself - 'Joe Buck'
- The 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2006) - Himself
- Behind the Scenes at the Michael Jackson Trial (2005) - Himself
- The 100 Greatest Family Films (2005) - Himself
- 'National Treasure' on Location (2005) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 'Movie Quotes': The Greatest Lines from American Film (2005) - Himself
- The Making of 'Heat' (2005) - Himself
- The 10th Annual Critics' Choice Awards (2005) - Himself - presenter
- The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2004) - Himself
- Jonathan Demme and the Making of 'The Manchurian Candidate' (2004) - Himself
- Biography Special: The Fondas (2004) - Himself
- Chabad: To Life Telethon (2003) - Himself
- Young Hollywood Awards (2003) - Himself
- The 75th Annual Academy Awards (2003) - Himself - Past Winner
- Screen Tests of the Stars (2002) - Himself - Interviewee
- Hal Ashby: A Man Out of Time (2002) - Himself
- Coming Back Home (2002) - Himself
- Muhammad Ali's All-Star 60th Birthday Celebration! (2002) - Himself
- The Making of 'Ali' (2001) - Himself / Howard Cosell
- Journey to the Screen: The Making of 'Pearl Harbor' (2001) - Himself
- Resistance (2001) - Himself
- A Constant Forge (2000) - Himself
- The Genocide Factor (2000) - Gazdă
- An All-Star Tribute to Johnny Cash (1999) - Gazdă
- The American Film Institute Salute to Dustin Hoffman (1999) - Himself
- The 24th Annual People's Choice Awards (1998) - Himself
- 'Midnight Cowboy' Revisited (1994) - Himself (interview)
- The Celebrity Guide to Entertaining (1993) - Himself
- The 16th Annual People's Choice Awards (1990) - Himself
- The 43rd Annual Golden Globe Awards (1986) - Himself
- The 58th Annual Academy Awards (1986) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role
- Sanford Meisner: The American Theatre's Best Kept Secret (1985) - Himself
- The 54th Annual Academy Awards (1982) - Himself - Presenter: Best Actress
- The 51st Annual Academy Awards (1979) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Co-Presenter: Writing Awards
- The 50th Annual Academy Awards (1978) - Himself - Presenter: Best Cinematography
- The 47th Annual Academy Awards (1975) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography
- The Dangerous World of 'Deliverance' (1972) - Himself
- The 42nd Annual Academy Awards (1970) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Co-Presenter: Best Art Direction & Best Adapted Screenplay, and accepting Best Director Award for John Schlesinger
Filmografie - producător
- The Final Song (2009)
- The Princess & the Barrio Boy (2000)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Corked (2009)
- Controversy and Acclaim (2006)
- Celebrating Schlesinger (2006)
- After Midnight: Reflecting on a Classic 35 Years Later (2006)
- Hal Ashby: A Man Out of Time (2002)
- Coming Back Home (2002)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Francis Ford Coppola Directs 'John Grisham's The Rainmaker' (2007)
- The Making of 'Enemy of the State' (2006)
- 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)
- Sex at 24 Frames Per Second (2003)
- Oscar's Greatest Moments (1992)
- Retour (1987)
- Sixty Years of Seduction (1981)
- America at the Movies (1976)
Filmografie - producător executiv
- The Karate Dog (2004)
Filmografie - scenarist
Un premiu şi 3 nominalizări Oscar, 4 premii şi 7 nominalizări Globul de Aur, un premiu BAFTA, un premiu Cannes
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listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
listă cu 176 actori, creată de FoxHound pe 9 Decembrie 2010
listă cu 79 actori, creată de FoxHound pe 22 Iunie 2011
Despre Jon Voight
Megalopolis, pariul de 120 de milioane de dolari al lui Francis Ford Coppola
Mălaimare, cel mai de succes operator român de la Hollywood
10 actori care au jucat în filme alături de copiii lor
Smiley, concert electrizant la avanpremiera „Animale fantastice şi unde le poţi găsi”
Șapte seriale super-tari, pe care probabil nu le-ai văzut, dar știi filmele bazate pe ele
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Jon Voight
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In total a fost nominalizat la Oscar de 4 ori in 1970, 1979, 1986 si 2002 dar de cistigat l-a cistigat o singura data!
Runaway Train
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