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Michael Soren Madsen s-a nascut in Chicago, Illinois si este un actor si poet american. Este fiul lui Elaine (o poeta castigatoare a premiului Emmy) si al lui Calvin (pompier). Cand avea noua ani, parintii lui s-au despartit. Are o sora, pe nume Virginia, care este tot actrita si inca o sora, pe nume Cheri, care detine un restaurant in Wisconsin.
Si-a inceput cariera de actorie la Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre, sub indrumarea actorului John Malkovich. A aparut pe ecrane pentru prima data in...
Michael Soren Madsen s-a nascut in Chicago, Illinois si este un actor si poet american. Este fiul lui Elaine (o poeta castigatoare a premiului Emmy) si al lui Calvin (pompier). Cand avea noua ani, parintii lui s-au despartit. Are o sora, pe nume Virginia, care este tot actrita si inca o sora, pe nume Cheri, care detine un restaurant in Wisconsin.
Si-a inceput cariera de actorie la Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre, sub indrumarea actorului John Malkovich. A aparut pe ecrane pentru prima data in 1982, in filmul "Against All Hope". A jucat in "Racing With The Moon" (1984) si "The Natural" (1984). A devenit foarte cunoscut in urma interpretarii criminalului Vince Miller in "Kill Me Again" (1989) si apoi a prietenului dur al lui Susan Sarandon in "Thelma si Louise" (1991). Si-a castigat celebritatea in urma rolului din "Reservoir Dogs" (1992). Madsen a contribuit la realizarea celor mai bine vandute jocuri, Grand Theft Auto III (2001) si Driv3r (2004) si si-a publicat propriile volume de poezii.
A fost casatorit de trei ori, prima data cu sora lui Cher, Georganne LaPiere. Are cinci copii, toti baieti - Max si Christian din a doua casatorie si Calvin, Hudson si Luke din prima. A afirmat ca este foarte mandru ca a jucat in "Specii", "Reservoir Dogs" si "Kill Bill".
Rolul din'' Reservoir Dogs'' al lui Tarantino i-a venit ca o manusa. Rolul unui ucigas sadic.In mai toata cariera sa a jucat in roluri de erou negativ. A incercat sa schimbe acea imagine. A jucat rolul unui boxer care ii promisese sotiei sale muribunde ca nu va mai boxa niciodata in filmul ''Strength and Honor''. Cariera lui Michael Madsen se extinde in peste 25 ani si peste 170 filme. A jucat in filme precum Hell Ride, Thelma and Louise, Donnie Brasco, Die another day.
- Spirit Riser / Spirit Riser (2024) - Narrator (voice)
- The Last Safe Place / (2024) - Benjamin (rumored)
- The Lurking Fear (2023) - Deputy
- The Concerto / (2022) - Det. Morrison
- The Witching Hour / (2022) - The Detective
- The Find / The Find (2021) - Damon
- The American Connection / The American Connection (2021) - John Lebaron
- American Night (2021) - Lord Samuel Morgan
- Megalodon / Capcana din adancuri (2020) - Admiral King Trailer
- Puppy Love / Puppy Love (2020) - Wesley
- Angels Fallen / Angels Fallen (2020) - Balthazar
- The Garden Left Behind (2020) - Kevin
- Unbelievable!!!!! (2020) - preşedintele Ben Dover Trailer
- Shark Season (2020)
- Sazarac / Sazarac (2019) - Lou
- Once Upon a Time in Hollywood / A fost odată la... Hollywood (2019) Trailer
- Trading Paint (2019) - Linsky Trailer
- Primitiva / Primitiva (2019) - Narrator
- Welcome to Acapulco / Bun venit la Acapulco! (2019) - Hyde
- The Bend / The Bend (2019) - Sheriff Kegan
- Arctic Justice / Căţeii arctici: Cursă pe zăpadă (2019) - Duke (voce) Trailer
- Rock Paper Dead (2019) - Doyle Dechert
- 21 Years: Quentin Tarantino / 21 Years: Quentin Tarantino (2019) - Himself
- Saturday at the Starlight / Saturday at the Starlight (2018) - Frank Gunt
- Love Addict / Love Addict (2018) - Mr. Dickinson
- Grace / Grace (2018) - Dave
- Father (2018) - Ivan
- Vif / Vif (2018) - Himself
- Dead on Time (2018) - Mike McGuirk
- CobraGator (2018) - Layton
- Q-4: Dream Corporation (2018) - Brandon Paton
- Garlic & Gunpowder (2018) - Jason
- Dirty Dealing 3D / (2018) - Dean
- The Whole World at Our Feet (2017) - Mike
- The Broken Key (2017) - Tully DeMarco
- The Whole World at Our Feet / (2017) - Michael
- Devil's Domain / Devil's Domain (2016) - Bill
- Blood Mission / Blood Mission (2016) - General McCallister
- Real Detective (2016) - Phil Ryan
- Vigilante Diaries / Cronicile unui justițiar (2016) - Moreau
- Romance in Black (2016) - Mihai Trailer
- Magi (2016) - Lawrence Irlam
- Beyond the Game (2016) - Robert
- Back in the Day / Un adolescent în Brooklyn (2016) - Enzo
- The Natural: The Best There Ever Was (2016) - Bartholomew Bump Bailey / el însuși
- The Lost Tree / (2016) - John
- Sacred Blood (2015) - Detective Brennan
- American Dream (2015) - Sheriff (2015)
- The Making of the Mob (2015)
- No Deposit (2015) - Peter Shay
- A Turn in the Sun (2015) - Corozco
- Lady Psycho Killer (2015) - Doctor Douglass
- Memoirs from the Streets of New York (2015) - Vinny Seka
- Hope Lost (2015) - Manol
- Death in the Desert (2015) - Ray Easler
- The Hateful Eight / Cei 8 odioși (2015) - Joe Gage Trailer
- Big Time in Hollywood, FL (2015) - Harvey Scoles (5 episodes, 2015)
- Lumberjack Man (2015) - Dr. Peter Shirtcliff
- A Hitman in London (2015) - şeful Trailer
- When the Devil Rides Out (2015) - Maverick McMillian
- Flipped (2015) - Casey
- Powers / Superputeri (2015) - Patrick Trailer
- Skoryy 'Moskva-Rossiya' (2014) - Agent (as Maykl Medsen)
- 2047 - Sights of Death / Cu Moartea pe Urme (2014) - Lobo Trailer
- Water Wars (2014) - Bane
- Turnaround Jake / (2014) - Russell O'Malley
- Men Don't Lie (2014) - Bob
- Gabrielle (2013) - Edward Sheehan
- ICE Agent / Sub Acoperire (2013) - Carlos Garcia
- 2 Hopeful Spinsters (2013) - Himself (4 episodes, 2013)
- Day of Redemption / (2013) - Lou
- Nomad the Beginning / (2013) - Wolf
- Along the Roadside / (2013) - Jerry
- Golden Boy (2013) - Walter Clark Sr.
- Ashley / Ashley (2013) - Bill
- Lionhead / (2013) - Walter Powell
- Don't Pass Me By (2013) - Narrator
- The Sorrow / (2013) - Sheriff Sawyer
- Madoff: Made Off with America / (2013) - Agent Kennedy
- I'm in Love with a Church Girl / (2013) - Frank Harris
- White Widow / (2013)
- Five Thirteen (2013) - Clyde
- Art's Demise (2013) - Kevin
- Garbage (2013) - Himself
- Missiya: Prorok / Misiune: Profetul (2012)
- Eldorado (2012) - Ted
- As pik / Bad Destiny (2012) Trailer
- The Mob Doctor / Doctorița Mafiei (2012)
- Sins Expiation / Mântuirea (2012) - Don Mancino
- Beyond the Trophy / Nu doar trofeul (2012) - Cole Lambert
- Refuge from the Storm / (2012) - Steve Grecco
- Terrible Angels / (2012) - Ben Nolan
- Dirty Little Trick / Stratageme murdare (2012) - Vito
- Infected / (2012) - Terry
- Eldorado (2012)
- Magic Boys (2012) - Terence
- A Cold Day in Hell / (2011) - U.S. Marshal Stallings
- Mafia: Farewell to the Godfather / (2011) - Vincenzo
- Joshua Tree / (2011) - Lou
- Untitled Michael Madsen Project / (2011)
- Loosies / Iubirea nu-i o crimă! (2011) - Lt. 'Sully' Sullivan Trailer
- Egill: The Last Pagan (2011) - Egil
- The Forest (2011) - Lt. Brandon Ross
- Not Another Not Another Movie (2011) - Lester Storm
- Road Raiders (2011)
- A Matter of Justice / În umbra trecutului (2011) - Leo Ibiza
- The Lion of Judah (2011) - Boss
- Terror Trap / Motelul groazei (2010) - Carter
- Money to Burn (2010) - John Lawson
- The Brazen Bull (2010) - barbat
- The 5th Execution (2010) - Rik
- Six Days in Paradise (2010) - Rich McShane
- Now Here (2010) - Leblanc
- Weekend (2010) - Max
- Conflict of Interest (2010) - Senator John Mordire
- The Big I Am (2010) - Martell
- Krach / Bancherul (2010) - William
- The Portal / Dincolo de ziduri (2010) - Dr. Azirra
- Let the Game Begin / Să înceapă jocul (2010) - Dr. Turner Trailer
- Firedog (2010) - Big Joe
- Green Lantern: First Flight / Lanterna verde: Începuturi (2009) - Kilowog Trailer
- Lost in the Woods (2009) - Stuart Bunka
- Road of No Return / Drum fără întoarcere (2009) - producer
- Christmas Crash / Crăciunul pică din cer (2009) - Joseph Johnson
- The Killing Jar / Capcana ucigașului (2009) - Doe Trailer
- A Way with Murder (2009) - Vick Donovan
- Shannon's Rainbow (2009) - Dave Blair
- You Might as Well Live (2009) - Clinton Manitoba
- The Bleeding (2009) - Tatal Roy
- Clear Lake, WI (2009) - The Reverend
- Break (2009) - Asociatul
- Hired Gun / Curierul morții (2009) - Dan Moeller Trailer
- Chamaco (2009) - Willie
- Darc (2009) - Giavetti
- Put (2009) - Commander
- Ligeia (2009) - George
- Outrage (2009) - Farragute
- Code of Silence (2009) - Agent Monahan
- Serbian Scars / Dragoste interzisă (2009) - Dreq
- No Bad Days / Zile palpitante (2008) - Lester Trailer
- 45 R.P.M. (2008) - Major Baxter
- Crash and Burn / Hotul prinde hotul! (2008) - Vincent Scaillo
- House (2008) - Tin Man / Officer Lawdale Trailer
- Deep Winter / Alaska, ultima frontiera (2008) - Dean Trailer
- Vice / Vicii mortale (2008) - Walker
- Last Hour / Ultima oră (2008) - Calugar Trailer
- Hell Ride / Infern pe 2 Roți (2008) - The Gent Trailer
- Croc / Crocodilul (2007) - Croc Hawkins
- Tooth & Nail (2007) - Jackal
- Being Michael Madsen (2007) - Himself
- Cosmic Radio (2007) - Senator Atwood
- Strength and Honour / Putere și onoare (2007) - Sean Kelleher Trailer
- Afghan Knights / Razboinicii afgani (2007) - Cooper
- Boarding Gate / Poarta de imbarcare (2007) - Miles Trailer
- Living & Dying / Pe viață și pe moarte (2007) - Lind Trailer
- Machine / Asasin în serie (2007) - Ray
- UKM: The Ultimate Killing Machine / Mașina de ucis (2006) - Major Blevins
- Canes / Un jurământ satanic (2006) - Guillermo List
- All In (2006) - Seal
- Hoboken Hollow / Taramuri nelegiuite (2006) - J.T. Goldman
- The Last Drop (2006) - Col J.T. Colt
- Scary Movie 4 / Comedie de groază 4 (2006) - Oliver Trailer
- Muzhskoy sezon. Barkhatnaya revolyutsiya (2005) - The American
- Tilt (2005) - Don 'Matadorul' Everest
- Chasing Ghosts (2005) - Kevin Harrison
- Sin City (2005) - Bob Trailer
- L.A. Dicks (2005) - Steven Miller
- BloodRayne / Prințesa vampirilor (2005) - Vladimir Trailer
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe / Cronicile din Narnia - Leul, vrăjitoarea și dulapul (2005) - Maugrim Trailer
- Smatyvay udochki (2004) - Boss
- Frankenstein (2004) - Harker
- Kill Bill: Vol. 2 / Kill Bill: Volumul 2 (2004) - Budd Trailer
- Blueberry, l'experience secrete / Blueberry, Experienta secreta (2004) - Wallace Sebastian Blount
- 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out / 44 minute (2003) - Frank McGregor
- Where's Angelo? (2003) - Producer
- My Boss's Daughter / Amor cu fiica șefului meu (2003) - T.J.
- Kill Bill: Vol. 1 / Kill Bill: Volumul 1 (2003) - Budd Trailer
- Vampires Anonymous / Vampirii Anonimi (2003) - Geno
- Welcome to America (2002) - Special Agent Leon Fogel
- The Real Deal / Afaceri murdare (2002) - Baker Jacks
- Die Another Day / 007 - Să nu mori azi (2002) - Damian Falco Trailer
- Love.com / Fantezii pe Internet (2002) - Russ
- 42K (2001) - Narator
- Big Apple / Neliniste la New York (2001) - Terry Maddock
- Pressure Point / Infruntarea (2001) - Jed Griffin
- Choke / Prezumtia de vinovatie (2001) - Will
- Extreme Honor / Mai presus de onoare (2001) - Sparks
- Outlaw (2001) - Conner
- L.A.P.D.: To Protect and to Serve / Coruptie in L.A. (2001) - James Alexander
- Fall (2001) - Jeremy Banes
- The Ghost / Fantoma (2001) - Dan Olinghouse
- Los Angeles (2000) - Mister Ball
- The Price of Air (2000) - Mr. Ball
- Bad Guys (2000) - Jay Peters
- High Noon / La amiază (2000) - Frank Miller
- Ides of March (2000) - Uncle
- The Inspectors 2: A Shred of Evidence / Inspectorii 2: identități multiple (2000) - Joe
- Luck of the Draw / Noroc neprevazut (2000) - Zippo
- The Alternate / Atac la presedinte (2000) - Agent Briggs
- The Stray / Necunoscutul (2000) - Ben
- Sacrifice (2000) - Tyler Pierce
- The Thief & the Stripper (2000) - Jimmie D.
- Flat Out / Puterea vointei (1999) - Gene
- Ballad of the Nightingale / Balada privighetorii (1999)
- Supreme Sanction / Pedeapsa capitala (1999) - Dalton
- The Florentine / Florentine (1999) - Whitey
- Detour / Cercul terorii (1998) - Burl Rogers
- Fait Accompli / Blestemul Voodoo (1998) - Frank Barlow
- Vengeance Unlimited / Razbunare fara limite (1998) - Mr. Chapel
- The Sender / Mesagerul stelar (1998) - Dallas Grayson
- Species II / Specii II (1998) - Press Lenox
- Surface to Air / Pe teritoriul inamic (1998) - Sgt. Zach Massin
- Rough Draft / Jurnalul unui criminal in serie (1998) - Haynes
- Papertrail (1998) - FBI Agent Brad Abraham
- The Girl Gets Moe (1997) - Donnelly
- The Maker / Raufacatorii (1997) - Skarney
- Executive Target / Atac la președinte (1997) - Nick
- Donnie Brasco (1997) - Sonny Trailer
- Catherine's Grove (1997) - Joe Mason
- The Winner / Castigatorul (1996) - Wolf
- Mulholland Falls / Calea misterelor (1996) - Eddie Hall
- The Last Days of Frankie the Fly / Ultimele zile ale lui Frankie (1996) - Sal
- Almost Blue (1996) - Morris Poole
- Red Line / Hotii de masini (1995) - Mr. Lawrence
- Man with a Gun / Gloante si pasiune (1995) - John Wilbur Hardin
- Species / Specii (1995) - Preston Lennox Trailer
- Free Willy 2 / Salvați-l pe Willy 2 (1995) - Glen Greenwood
- Wyatt Earp / Justițiarul Vestului Sălbatic (1994) - Virgil Earp
- Season of Change / Anotimpul schimbarii (1994) - Randy Parker
- The Getaway / Evadarea (1994) - Rudy Travis Trailer
- Blue Tiger / Razbunarea unei mame (1994) - Gun salesman (cameo)
- Dead Connection / Legătură mortală (1994) - Matt Dickson
- Money for Nothing / Banii n-aduc fericirea (1993) - Detectivul Laurenzi
- A House in the Hills (1993) - Mickey
- Free Willy / Salvati-l pe Willy I (1993) - Glen Greenwood
- Trouble Bound / Necazuri in lant (1993) - Harry Talbot
- Beyond the Law / La granita legii (1993) - Blood
- Inside Edge (1992) - Richard Montana
- Straight Talk / Cu sufletul pe masa (1992) - Steve
- Reservoir Dogs / Profesioniștii crimei (1992) - dl. Blonde - Vic Vega Trailer
- Baby Snatcher / Copilul furat (1992) - Cal Hudson
- Fatal Instinct / Instincte fatale (1992) - Cliff Burden
- Thelma and Louise / Thelma și Louise (1991) - Jimmy Trailer
- The Doors (1991) - Tom Baker
- The End of Innocence (1990) - Earl
- Montana (1990) - Pierce
- Gabriel's Fire (1990) - Stan Frankel (1 episode, 1991)
- Kill Me Again / Ucide-ma din nou (1989) - Vince Miller
- Blood Red / Rosu ca sangele (1989) - Enzio
- Quantum Leap / Capcana Timpului (1989) - Blue (1 episode, 1989)
- War and Remembrance (1988) - Lt. 'Foof' Turhall (Devilfish) (1 episode, 1988)
- Shadows in the Storm (1988) - Earl
- Iguana (1988) - Sebastián
- The Killing Time / Umbra ucigasului (1987) - Stu
- Tour of Duty / Vietnam '60 (1987) - Sergeant Greg Block (1 episode, 1989)
- Jake and the Fatman / Jake și Grasanul (1987)
- Racing with the Moon / În ajunul războiului (1984) - Frank
- The Natural / Născut învingător (1984) - Bartholomew 'Bump' Bailey
- Miami Vice (1984) - Sally Alvarado (1 episode, 1984)
- WarGames / Jocuri de razboi (1983) - Steve Phelps Trailer
- Special Bulletin (1983) - Jimmy Lenox
- Diner (1983) - Boogie
- The Hitchhiker / Autostopistul (1983) - John Hampton (1 episode, 1985)
- Against All Hope (1982) - Cecil Moe
- "St. Elsewhere" (1982) - Mike O'Connor (2 episodes, 1983)
- Cagney & Lacey (1981) - Boyd Evans Strout (1 episode, 1984)
- The Taste of Revenge - 'John' (rumored)
Filmografie - producător
- Untitled Michael Madsen Project / (2011)
- Air Pressure (2011)
- The Brazen Bull (2010)
- Now Here (2010)
- Weekend (2010)
- A Way with Murder (2009)
- Being Michael Madsen (2007)
- Los Angeles (2000)
- The Price of Air (2000)
Filmografie - în dezvoltare
- The Midwife Crisis (2011)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Visiting Uwe (2008) - Himself
- So You Want Michael Madsen? (2008) - Himself
- The Long Shadow of Dirty Harry (2008) - Himself
- The Evolution of Clint Eastwood (2008) - Himself
- The Craft of Dirty Harry (2008) - Himself
- The Business End: Violence in Cinema (2008) - Himself
- Making of the 15th Raindance Film Festival (2007) - Himself
- Through Your Eyes (2007) - Himself - Narrator
- Welcome to the Big House (2006)
- Stool Pigeons and Pine Overcoats: The Language of Gangster Films (2006)
- The Maltese Falcon: One Magnificent Bird (2006) - Himself
- Gangsters: The Immigrant's Hero (2006)
- Prohibition Opens the Floodgates (2006) - Himself
- Morality and the Code: A How-to Manual for Hollywood (2006) - Himself
- Molls and Dolls: The Women of Gangster Films (2006) - Himself
- The Distance /I (2006)
- The Origin: Making 'Species' (2005) - Himself
- Bullets Over Hollywood (2005) - Himself
- Sin City: The Premiere (2005) - Himself
- Les nouveaux refus (2004) - Himself/Un comédien qui refuse de tourner avec Laurent
- Zen & Now: A Dinner with David Carradine and Friends (2004) - Himself
- The Making of 'Kill Bill: Volume 2' (2004) - Himself
- Michael Jackson: The One (2004) - Himself - video 'You Rock My World'
- The 100 Greatest Movie Stars (2003) - Himself
- Thelma & Louise: The Last Journey (2002) - Himself
- Brit Awards 2002 (2002) - Presenter
- Steve McQueen: The King of Cool (1998) - Himself
Filmografie - casting department
- Being Michael Madsen (2007)
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Bullets Over Hollywood (2005)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- It Happened That Way (2004)
- Michael Jackson: Number Ones (2003)
- Who Do You Think You're Fooling? (1994)
listă cu 155 actori, creată de Theodor2011 pe 16 Martie 2013
listă cu 92 actori, creată de victor_homescu pe 6 August 2017
listă cu 60 actori, creată de 4lex pe 31 August 2015
Despre Michael Madsen
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, al lui Tarantino, se va lansa mai repede
Al Pacino se alătură peliculei doldora de staruri a lui Quentin Tarantino
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Pulp Fiction ar fi putut fi total diferit. Iată actorii pe care Quentin Tarantino i-ar fi preferat în rolurile principale
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- Captain America: New World Order
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Michael Madsen
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