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Kirk Douglas, s-a nascut pe 9 decembrie 1916 in Amsterdam, New York fiind un legendar actor si producator din USA . Este tatal actorului Michael Douglas. Parintii erau evrei rusi ,religie care i-a produs nu putine inconveniente in afara si inlauntrul profesiei,Numele sau real era Issur Danielovitch Demsky.De copil s-a afirmat in activitatile sportive ( in special lupte libere ) si artistice , placandu-i in special sa joace si sa “puna in scena”
Si-a luat licenta in litere a...
Kirk Douglas, s-a nascut pe 9 decembrie 1916 in Amsterdam, New York fiind un legendar actor si producator din USA . Este tatal actorului Michael Douglas. Parintii erau evrei rusi ,religie care i-a produs nu putine inconveniente in afara si inlauntrul profesiei,Numele sau real era Issur Danielovitch Demsky.De copil s-a afirmat in activitatile sportive ( in special lupte libere ) si artistice , placandu-i in special sa joace si sa “puna in scena”
Si-a luat licenta in litere a Universitatea din St. Lawrence.Dupa licenta pleca la New York ,unde a a obtinut un loc in Academia Americana de arta dramatica , unde a ramas pana in 1939.In 1941 s-a reintors gratie lui Lauren Bacall .Tot atunci isi incepe cariera pe Broadway.Curand fu chemat sa-si satisfaca serviciul militar in cadrul Armatei Statelor Unite , unde a stat intre anii 1942-1943 , pentru ca apoi sa se intoarca pe Broadway. Se intoarce la New York si in casa unei prietene o cunoaste pe Diana Dill ofrumoasa actrita – model care din 1943 va fi sotia sa si cu care va avea doi baieti : Michael Douglas si Joel.
La 30 de ani si cu o faima castigata pe Broadway, Lewis Milestone il propune ca june prim in filmul The Strange Love of Martha Ivers . unde se dovedeste a fi o revelatie . In 1949, interpreta un boxeur in filmul Champion de M. Robson, unde pentru interpretarea sa fu nominalizat la Oscar pentru cel mai bun actor .
Kirk se face cunoscut si prin caracterul sau temperamental si ideile sale de stanga , care i-au “ castigat “ numeroase antipatii
In 1951, Diana Douglas solicita divortul de Kirk motivand infidelitatea actorului care era de notorietate publica .Cei doi raman in relatii amicable , Kirk asigurandu-i o renta substantiala. In 1954 se casatoreste , pentru a doua oara , cu Anne Buydens, cu care are 2 copii . A fost nominalizat de 3 ori pentru Oscar dar nu l-a castigat niciodata pentru interpretare , in schimb i s-a acordat in 1996 un Oscar onorific pentru 50 de ani de cariera .
Multe din filme in care a jucat sunt epice , dar cel mai celebru rol al sau ramane cel din Spartacus regizat de Stanley Kubrick , unde a jucat cu un alt mare actor Peter Ustinov.
Un alt mare rol este si cel din Lust for Life - 1956 pentru care a fost nominalizat a treia oara la Oscar pentru interpretare - unde ii da viata pictorului Vincent Van Gogh si joaca alaturi de un alt mare actor Anthony Quinn.
Faima sa este comparabila cu a altor actori ca Sir Laurence Olivier sau Anthony Quinn, De asemeni a fost regizor second la numeroase filme , nu de putine ori a avut altercatii pe teme regizorale cu Stanley Kubrick . In 1991 a supravietuit unui accident de elicopter iar in 1994 a avut o trómboza care i-a provocat serioase probleme psihomotrice.
Actorul Kirk Douglas a primit o stea pentru film, în partea de nord, aria 6200, pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
- Rochefort, Noiret, Marielle: les copains d'abord (2021) - (arhivă)
- La folle aventure de Louis de Funès / Un hoinar prin cinema: Louis de Funes (2020)
- Meurtres à l'Empire State Building (2008) - Jim Kovalski
- Trumbo (2007) - el însuși Trailer
- Illusion (2004) - Donald Baines Trailer
- It Runs in the Family / În familie (2003) - Mitchell Gromberg
- Diamonds / Diamante (1999) - Harry Agensky
- Take Me Home Again (1994) - Ed Reece
- Greedy / Lăcomia (1994) - unchiul Joe
- A Century of Cinema (1994) - el însuși
- Touched by an Angel / Atingerea ingerilor (1994) - Ross Burger
- Two-Fisted Tales (1992)
- The Secret / Secretul (1992) - Mike Dunmore
- Veraz (1991) - Quentin
- Oscar (1991) - Eduardo Provolone
- Tales from the Crypt / Aventuri în Casa Morții (1989) - generalul Kalthrob
- The Simpsons / Familia Simpson (1989) - Chester J. Lampwick
- Inherit the Wind / Procesul maimuțelor (1988) - Matthew Harrison Brady
- Queenie (1987) - David Konig
- Tough Guys / Baieti duri (1986) - Archie Long
- Amos (1985) - Amos Lasher
- Draw (1984) - Harry H. Holland aka Handsome Harry Holland
- Eddie Macon's Run / Evadarea lui Eddie Macon (1983) - Carl 'Buster' Marzack
- Remembrance of Love (1982) - Joe Rabin
- The Man From Snowy River / Spirite neîmblânzite (1982) - Harrison / Spur
- The Final Countdown / Numaratoare inversa (1980) - Matthew Yelland
- Home Movies (1980) - dr. Tuttle 'The Maestro'
- Saturn 3 (1980) - Adam
- The Villain / Cactus Jack (1979) - Cactus Jack
- The Fury (1978) - Peter
- Holocaust 2000 (1977) - Robert Caine
- Victory at Entebbe (1976) - Hershel Vilnofsky
- Posse (1975) - Howard Nightingale
- Once Is Not Enough / Jacqueline Susann's Once Is Not Enough (1975) - Mike Wayne
- Mousey (1974) - George Anderson
- Scalawag (1973) - Peg
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1973) - dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde
- The Special London Bridge Special (1972)
- Un uomo da rispettare (1972) - Steve Wallace
- The Light at the Edge of the World / Farul de la capătul lumii (1971) - Denton
- To Catch a Spy (1971) - Andrej
- A Gunfight / Infruntarea (1971) - Will Tenneray
- There Was a Crooked Man / Era un ticalos (1970) - Paris Pitman, Jr.
- The Arrangement / Înțelegerea (1969) - Eddie Anderson
- A Lovely Way to Die / O moarte incantatoare (1968) - Jim Schuyler
- The Legend of Silent Night (1968) - narator
- The Brotherhood / Frăția (1968) - Frank Ginetta
- Laugh-In (1967)
- The Way West / Drumul spre Vest (1967) - William J. Tadlock
- The War Wagon / Comoara din diligenţă (1967) - Lomax
- Paris brule-t-il? / Arde Parisul? (1966) - George S. Patton Jr.
- Cast a Giant Shadow / Umbra unui urias (1966) - David 'Mickey' Marcus
- In Harm's Way / Razboi pe mare (1965) - Eddington
- The Heroes of Telemark / Eroii de la Telemark (1965) - Rolf
- Seven Days in May / Sapte zile in Mai (1964) - Martin 'Jiggs' Casey
- The List of Adrian Messenger / Lista lui Adrian Messenger (1963) - George Brougham / Atlee / dl. Pythian
- The Hook (1963) - P.J. Briscoe
- For Love or Money / Trei fete de maritat (1963) - Deke Gentry
- Two Weeks in Another Town / Două săptămâni într-un alt oraș (1962) - Jack Andrus
- Lonely Are the Brave / Calaretul singuratic (1962) - John W. "Jack" Burns
- The Lucy Show (1962) - Kirk Douglas
- Town Without Pity (1961) - Steve Garrett
- The Last Sunset / Ultimul amurg (1961) - Brendan 'Bren' O'Malley
- Strangers When We Meet / Eram straini cand ne-am intalnit (1960) - Larry Coe
- Spartacus (1960) - Spartacus Trailer
- Operation Petticoat (1959)
- Last Train from Gun Hill / Ultimul tren din Gun Hill (1959) - Marshal Matt Morgan
- The Devil's Disciple (1959) - Richard Dudgeon
- The Vikings / Vikingii (1958) - Einar
- Top Secret Affair (1957) - Melville A. Goodwin
- Paths of Glory / Cărările gloriei (1957) - Dax Trailer
- Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) - Doc Holliday
- Lust for Life / Van Gogh (1956) - Vincent Van Gogh
- The Racers (1955) - Gino Borgesa
- Man Without a Star / Omul fără stea (1955) - Dempsey Rae
- The Indian Fighter / Vânătorul de indieni (1955) - Johnny Hawks
- Ulysses / Ulise (1954) - Ulysses
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea / 20000 de leghe sub mări (1954) - Ned Land Trailer
- Un acte d'amour / Act de iubire (1953) - Robert Teller
- The Story of Three Loves (1953) - Pierre Narval (segment "Equilibrium")
- The Juggler / Jonglerul (1953) - Hans Muller
- The Big Trees (1952) - Jim Fallon
- The Big Sky / Ținuturi nesfârșite (1952) - Jim Deakins
- The Bad and the Beautiful / Uratul si frumosul (1952) - Jonathan
- Detective Story / Viață de detectiv (1951) - James McLeod
- Ace in the Hole (1951) - Chuck Tatum
- Along the Great Divide (1951) - Marshal Len Merrick
- Young Man with a Horn / Tanarul si trompeta lui (1950) - Rick Martin
- The Glass Menagerie / Menajeria de sticla (1950) - Jim O'Connor
- The Jack Benny Program / The Jack Benny Program (1950) - Kirk
- A Letter to Three Wives (1949) - George Phipps
- Champion (1949) - Midge
- The Walls of Jericho (1948) - Tucker Wedge
- My Dear Secretary (1948) - Owen Waterbury
- I Walk Alone (1948) - Noll 'Dink' Turner
- Out of the Past (1947) - Whit
- Mourning Becomes Electra (1947) - Peter Niles
- The strange love of Martha Ivers / Dragoste ciudată (1946) - Walter O'Neil
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Cooper and Hemingway: The True Gen (2010) - Himself
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Michael Douglas (2009) - Himself
- AFI's 10 Top 10 (2008) - Himself
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Al Pacino (2007) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Cheers: America's Most Inspiring Movies (2006) - Himself
- ... A Father... A Son... Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2005) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes & Villains (2003) - Himself
- The Making of '20000 Leagues Under the Sea' / The Making of '20000 Leagues Under the Sea' (2003) - Himself
- The 75th Annual Academy Awards (2003) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Picture/Past Winner
- Darkness at High Noon: The Carl Foreman Documents (2002)
- Lana Turner... a Daughter's Memoir (2001) - Himself - Actor
- FBI contre Hollywood (2001) - Himself
- The Life and Times of Kirk Douglas (2000) - Himself
- 5th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (1999)
- To Life! America Celebrates Israel's 50th (1998) - Himself
- The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) - Himself - Honorary Award recipient
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1994) - Himself (Honoree)
- The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) - Himself - Presenter: Best Cinematography
- The 46th Annual Tony Awards (1992) - Himself - Presenter
- The American Film Institute Salute to Kirk Douglas (1991) - Himself - Guest of Honor
- The 14th Annual People's Choice Awards (1988) - Himself
- The Racing Experience (1988) - Himself
- The 43rd Annual Golden Globe Awards (1986) - Himself
- Looney Tunes 50th Anniversary (1986) - Himself
- Liberty Weekend (1986) - Himself
- The 57th Annual Academy Awards (1985) - Himself - Co-presenter: Writing Awards
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (1985) - Himself
- Salute to Lady Liberty (1984) - Himself
- James Bond: The First 21 Years (1983) - Himself
- Johnny Cash: The First 25 Years (1980) - Himself
- The 52nd Annual Academy Awards (1980) - Himself - Presenter: Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
- Homage for The Duke (1979) - Himself
- A Tribute to Mr. Television Milton Berle (1978) - Himself
- The 50th Annual Academy Awards (1978) - Himself - Co-presenter: Documentary Awards
- The American Film Institute Salute to Henry Fonda (1978) - Himself
- Salute to Lew Grade (1975) - Himself
- The American Film Institute Salute to James Cagney (1974) - Himself
- Once Upon a Wheel (1971) - Himself
- Rowan & Martin at the Movies (1968) - Himself
- The 21st Annual Tony Awards (1967) - Himself - Presenter
- The 31st Annual Academy Awards (1959) - Himself (Performer: 'It's Alright With Us')
- Premier Khrushchev in the USA (1959) - Himself
- The 30th Annual Academy Awards (1958) - Himself (Performer: 'It's Great Not to Be Nominated')
- General Motors 50th Anniversary Show (1957) - Himself - Host/Narrator
- The 29th Annual Academy Awards (1957) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Presenter: Best Film Editing
- Van Gogh: Darkness Into Light (1956) - Himself
- The 26th Annual Academy Awards (1954) - Himself - Presenter: Writing Awards
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- Comic Relief 2009 (2009)
- Sebring (2009)
- The Age of Believing: The Disney Live Action Classics (2008)
- Strictly Courtroom (2008)
- Oscar, que empiece el espectáculo (2008)
- Cámara negra. Teatro Victoria Eugenia (2007)
- 100 Years of John Wayne (2007)
- Ein Leben wie im Flug (2007)
- La Marató 2005 (2005)
- Cineastas contra magnates (2005)
- Watch the Skies!: Science Fiction, the 1950s and Us / Watch the Skies!: Science Fiction, the 1950s and Us (2005)
- Les 40 ans de la 2 (2004)
- Anthony Quinn and Kirk Douglas (2003)
- The Definitive Elvis: The Hollywood Years - Part I: 1956-1961 / The Definitive Elvis: The Hollywood Years - Part I: 1956-1961 (2002)
- Kirk Douglas and Vincente Minnelli (2002)
- Pulp Cinema (2001)
- AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (2001)
- Classified X (1998)
- Kirk Douglas: Video Scrapbook (1994)
- The Best of the Don Lane Show (1994)
- Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In: 25th Anniversary Reunion (1993)
- Rock Hudson's Home Movies (1992)
- Margret Dünser, auf der Suche nach den Besonderen (1981)
- Skidoo (1968)
- Hollywood Without Make-Up (1963)
Filmografie - Soundtrack
Filmografie - mulţumiri
Filmografie - producător
- The Light at the Edge of the World / Farul de la capătul lumii (1971)
- The Brotherhood / Frăția (1968)
- Seconds / A Doua Existenta (1966)
- Spartacus (1960) Trailer
3 nominalizări Oscar, un premiu şi 2 nominalizări Globul de Aur, o nominalizare BAFTA, o nominalizare Berlin
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- Transformers One
- Vincent doit mourir
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- Never Let Go
- Anul Nou care n-a fost
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste 2: Cu puțin noroc
- Weekend in Taipei
- La bête
- The Jester from Transylvania
- El maestro que prometió el mar
- Sterben
- Joker: Folie à Deux
- Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii
- Spre punctul G
- The Silent Hour
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere
- Clara
- Boku no Hîrô Akademia za Mûbî Yuâ Nekusuto
- We Live in Time
- The Apprentice
- Retreat Vama Veche
- The Wild Robot
- Smile 2
- Candidatul perfect
- Vogter
- 200% Wolf
- MadS
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Kirk Douglas
Părerea ta
Spune-ţi părereafilmele o sa capete mai multa atentie din partea mea la locurile respective, dar imi permit sa comntez un Actor deosebit dpdv al acestora patru.
asa ca sa incep prin a spune ca are un registru variat. are o naturalete aparte in felul in care se transpune in fiecare rol si in felul in care da cite putin din sufletul lui in fiecare din ele. dovedeste ca poate interpreta roluri de compozitie, in care este nevoie atit de putere fizica+mentala, dar si de sensibilitate deosebita, aici mentionind deosebitul rol din deosebitul film the fury, in care si carrie snodgress joaca memorabil si cu mult dramatism.
pe scurt, un Om cu doua mari realizari: o remarcabila… citeşte
Old school
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