Distribuţie The Assassination of Trotsky


Asasinarea lui Trotki




Alain Delon Alain Delon Frank Jackson
Romy Schneider Romy Schneider Gita Samuels
Richard Burton Richard Burton Leon Trotsky
Valentina Cortese Valentina Cortese Natalia Sedowa Trotsky
Enrico Maria Salerno Enrico Maria Salerno Salazar
Claudio Brook Claudio Brook Roberto
Jean Desailly Jean Desailly Alfred Rosmer
Giorgio Albertazzi Giorgio Albertazzi
Michael Forest Michael Forest Jim
Joshua Sinclair Sam
Peter Chatel Otto
Jack Betts Jack Betts Lou
Duilio Del Prete Felipe
Luigi Vannucchi Ruiz
Simone Valère Marguerite Rosmer