Distribuţie Sins of the Fathers Chapter 3: Attack of the Octobot


Sins of the Fathers Chapter 3: Attack of the Octobot


Bob Bergen Bob Bergen (voice)
Majel Barrett Majel Barrett Anna Watson
Roscoe Lee Browne Roscoe Lee Browne Kingpin
Adam Hendershott Adam Hendershott (voice)
Nick Jameson Additional Voices (voice)
Anne-Marie Johnson Anne-Marie Johnson Mousie (voice)
Anthony Marciona Anthony Marciona Additional Voices (voice)
Joan Lee Madame Web
Stephanie Eustase Maria Taina Elizando (voice) (as Stephanie Eustace)
Film - Sins of the Fathers Chapter 3: Attack of the Octobot

Sins of the Fathers Chapter 3: Attack of the Octobot

Sins of the Fathers Chapter 3: Attack of the Octobot
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