Distribuţie The Latchkey Children: Part 3 - Etty and Billandben Meet a Television Personality


The Latchkey Children: Part 3 - Etty and Billandben Meet a Television Personality 


Keith Barron Keith Barron Storyteller
Michael Aspel Himself
Martin Beaumont Billandben
John Dunbar The Vicar
Lesley Roach Etty
Peter Lund The Foreman
Kim Smith Bletchley
Jimmy Berriman Goggles (as Jimmy Berryman)
Ricky Alleyne Duke
Stanley Jack Fletcher Henderson Binns
John Tucker The M.P.
Lee Chamberlain Froggy
Film - The Latchkey Children: Part 3 - Etty and Billandben Meet a Television Personality

The Latchkey Children: Part 3 - Etty and Billandben Meet a Television Personality

The Latchkey Children: Part 3 - Etty and Billandben Meet a Television Personality 
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