Distribuţie The Illusion of Control


The Illusion of Control 


Michael Weatherly Michael Weatherly Jason Bull
Freddy Rodríguez Freddy Rodríguez Benny Colón
Brad Garrett Brad Garrett Ron Getman
Cara Buono Cara Buono Amaya Andrews
Jaime Lee Kirchner Jaime Lee Kirchner Danny James
Geneva Carr Geneva Carr Marissa Morgan
Joe Holt Kellan King
Christopher Neal Jackson Chunk Palmer (as Christopher Jackson)
Alina Cho Daytime Talk Show Host
Annabelle Attanasio Cable McCrory
Terrence Shingler Man in Suit
Corey Allen Abel Bekele
Ben Thompson Jeff Hill
John Siciliano Harrison
Adrienne D. Williams Judge Gabby Harper
Dereje Tarrant Alexander Andrews