Filme documentare, razboi, SUA

Ordonează: Vezi:
Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007)
Zeitgeist: The Movie
Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
Zeitgeist: Addendum
Restrepo (2010)
Taxi to the Dark Side (2007)
Taxi to the Dark Side
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (2013)
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
Dying to Tell the Story (1998)
Reporter in foc deschis
The Battle of Britain (1943)
The Battle of Britain
Iraq in Fragments (2006)
Iraq in Fragments
The Ground Truth: After the Killing Ends (2006)
Adevărul de pe câmpul de luptă
Ghosts of Cite Soleil (2006)
Ghosts of Cite Soleil
Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I (2006)
Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I
Standard Operating Procedure (2008)
Procedura standard
George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin (1994)
George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin
Which Way Is the Front Line from Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington (2013)
Încotro e linia frontului? Viața și întâmplările lui Tim Hetherington
Last Days in Vietnam (2014)
Ultimele zile în Vietnam
Cartel Land (2015)
Cartel Land
City of Joy (2016)
City of Joy
Father Soldier Son (2020)
Tată, soldat, fiu
The Last Days of World War II (1995)
The Last Days of World War II
Brothers at War (2009)
Brothers at War