Filme documentare, razboi, englezesti

Ordonează: Vezi:
The First World War (2003)
The First World War
War of the Century (1999)
Razboiul Secolului
The Age of Stupid (2009)
The Age of Stupid
Night Will Fall (2014)
Va cădea noaptea
The War Game (1965)
The War Game
"The Nazis: A Warning from History" (1997)
"The Nazis: A Warning from History"
They Shall Not Grow Old (2018)
Ei nu vor îmbătrâni
The Memory of Justice (1976)
The Memory of Justice
The Tramp and the Dictator (2002)
The Tramp and the Dictator
Hell and Back Again (2011)
Până în iad și înapoi
No Place on Earth (2012)
No Place on Earth
Virunga (2014)
Tell Spring Not to Come This Year (2014)
Tell Spring Not to Come This Year
Heroes of World War II (2004)
Heroes of World War II
Battlefields (2001)
The First World War from Above (2010)
The First World War from Above
Battle of the Atlantic (2002)
Battle of the Atlantic
The Battle of Britain (2010)
The Battle of Britain
Above and Beyond (2014)
Above and Beyond
For Sama (2019)
Pentru Sama