Distribuţie Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse


Zodiac: Signs of the Apocalypse




Christopher Lloyd Christopher Lloyd Harry Setag
Joel Gretsch Joel Gretsch Neil Martin
Aaron Douglas Aaron Douglas Agent Woodward
Andrea Brooks Andrea Brooks Sophie
Emily Holmes Emily Holmes Kathryn Keen
Ben Cotton Ben Cotton Marty Fitzgerald
Douglas Chapman Douglas Chapman Agent Tyler
Reilly Dolman Colin Martin
Russell Roberts Dr. Bowles
Rafael Pellerin Rafael Pellerin Joel
Wolfgang Klassen Agent
Jessica Storm Smith Jennifer


Gilles LaPlante producător
Costa Vassos producător
Anthony C. Metchie imagine
Tanya Lipke costume
Christopher A. Smith montaj
Michael Neilson coloană sonoră
Chad Krowchuk design de producţie
Phil Schmidt design de producţie