Distribuţie The Law of Enclosures


The Law of Enclosures



Sarah Polley Sarah Polley Beatty 'Beatrice'
Diane Ladd Diane Ladd Bea
Jasmine Guy Jasmine Guy
Brendan Fletcher Brendan Fletcher Henry
Shirley Douglas Shirley Douglas Myra
Kate Lynch Kate Lynch
Nancy Drake Sarnia Mayor
Sean McCann Hank
Darcy Fehr Darcy Fehr Young Miller
Rob Stefaniuk Stanley
James Kee
Kristen Thomson Kristen Thomson Myrah
Kent Staines
Mary Long
Robert Huculak Paznic
Rick Skene Uncle Kenny
James Durham David's Boyfriend
Wesley Cade Kissing Teen/Boy
Kelci Stephenson Young 'Beatrice' Beatty


Maryam Decter scenografie
Wendy O'Brien coordonator casting
Charlotte Penner costume
Linda Madden costume and wardrobe departmen
Mike Munn montaj
Roderick Deogrades montaj
John Grey producător
John Greyson producător
Bryan Gliserman producător
Marguerite Pigott producător
Phyllis Laing producător
Stephen Arndt decorator platou
Rick Skene cascador
John Grey scriitor
John Greyson scriitor