Filme drama, Belgia

La Confession (2016)
La Confession 
Me'ever Laharim Vehagvaot (2016)
Beyond the Mountains and Hills
Robbi, Tobbi und das Fliewatüüt (2016)
Robby, Toby şi maşina fantaastică
The Land of the Enlightened (2016)
Pământul iluminaţilor
Poubelle (2016)
A Turning Tide in the Life of Man (2014)
Viaţa în ritmul mării
Le mur (2015)
The Wall
Félicité (2017)
I Figli della Notte (2016)
Copiii nopții
Blind Spot (2017)
Unghiul mort
D'après une histoire vraie (2017)
Based on a True Story
Kings (2018)
Être (2014)
Chez nous (2017)
Patria e a noastră
Insyriated (2017)
The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir (2019)
The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir
Paul est là (2017)
Paul is Here
Les Bienheureux (2017)
Les Bienheureux
Ôtez-moi d'un doute (2017)
Just To Be Sure
Madame Hyde (2017)
Madame Hyde 
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