Filme aventuri, Canada

The Games Maker (2014)
Inventatorul de jocuri
Lightning: Bolts of Destruction (2003)
Furia cerului
High Adventure (2001)
Aventura secolului
Witness to a Kill (2004)
Tăietura diamantului
Babysitters (1969)
Prieteni fără grai
The Last Chase (1981)
Ultima urmărire
Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveller (1988)
Călătoriile lui Tommy Tricker
The Return of Tommy Tricker (1994)
Noile aventuri ale lui Tommy Tricker
Captains Courageous (1996)
Căpitanul mărilor
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie (1998)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie
Patch Town (2014)
Patch Town
Where the Trail Ends (2013)
Where the Trail Ends
Smart Cookies (2012)
Fete istețe
Juarez 2045 (2017)
Juarez 2045
Sleeping Giant (2015)
Uriașul adormit
Boost (2017)
Fără limite
The Jensen Project (2010)
The Jensen Project
To Walk with Lions (1999)
Shades of Love: Moonlight Flight (1988)
Capriciile iubirii: Sub clar de luna
Wild Horse Hank (1979)
Caii salbatici