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Shirley Mae Jones s-a nscut la data de 31 martie 1934, fiind in zodia berbec, este o actrita de teatru cat si de film si o cantareta americana. Shirley si-a inceput cariera avand roluri mici in musical-uri foarte cunoscute, cum ar fi: " Oklahoma! ", " Carousel " si " The Music Man ". A castigat premiul Oscar pentru cea mai buna actrita, cand juca rolul unei prostituate, in filmul " Elmer Gantry ". Probabil ca este cel mai bine cunoscuta, cand juca rolul unei mame a cinci copii, care avea numele de...
mai multShirley Mae Jones s-a nscut la data de 31 martie 1934, fiind in zodia berbec, este o actrita de teatru cat si de film si o cantareta americana. Shirley si-a inceput cariera avand roluri mici in musical-uri foarte cunoscute, cum ar fi: " Oklahoma! ", " Carousel " si " The Music Man ". A castigat premiul Oscar pentru cea mai buna actrita, cand juca rolul unei prostituate, in filmul " Elmer Gantry ". Probabil ca este cel mai bine cunoscuta, cand juca rolul unei mame a cinci copii, care avea numele de Shirley Partridge , in sitcom-ul /serialul " The Partridge Family ", in care juca alaturi de fiul ei vitreg din realitate, David Cassidy, fiul lui Jack Cassidy.
Jones s-a nascut in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, o suburbie a Pittsburgh-ului, Shirley este fiica lui Marjorie Williams, o arhitecta si a lui Paul Jones, propretatul " Jones Brewing Company ". Fiind singurul copil al familiei, a fost numita dupa Shirley Temple. Familia s-amutat mai tarziu in Smithton, Pennsylvania. jones canta mai bine decat vorbea. Incurajata de profesorii din campus, familia ei a aranjat pentru Shirley cand era adolescenta sa faca ore de canto, de doua ori pe saptamana, in Pittsburgh, cu bine cunoscutul cantaret si profesor, Ralph Lawando.
In Manhattan, a fost convinsa de o prietena sa cante pentru un agent de la Holywood, Gus Sherman. Sherman a fost incantat sa o puna pe Jones sub contract si cu aprobarea parintilor ei, s-a mutat in New York.avea decat 100$ in buzunar, daca nu ar fi reusit s-ar fin intors in Smithton, unde ar fi lucrat ca veterinar. Prima ei auditie a fost pentrumusica-ul " South Pacific ", scris de Rodgers and Hammerstein, ei au vazut talentul din Shirley.
A fost prietena foarte buna cu Gordon MacRae si cu fost lui sotie Sheila. La data de 5 august 1956, Jones s-a casatorit cu Jack Cassidy, cu care a avut trei fii, Shaun,Patrick si Ryan, David Cassidy, era singurul copil al lui Jack, din primul mariaj cu Evelyn Ward. A divortat de Cassidy in1974, si s-a casatorit mai tarziu cu actorul/ comicul Marty Ingels. la data de 13 noiembrie 1977.
Tatal lui Shriley, Paul a avut cancer, a murit dupa cateva zile de la operatie, in 1958. Jones a cantat in 2003, de Craciun,in fata bradului, la cererea lui George W. Bush. Jones este vegetariana.
Actrița a fost recompensată cu o stea pentru filmele sale, amplasată în partea de vest, aria 1500, pe Vine Street.
- Bruce the Challenge / (2021) - Grandma Lulu Baines
- Frank and Ava / Frank and Ava (2020) - Self
- On the Wing (2019) - Mrs. Ryburn
- Beyond Legend Johhny Kakota (2018) - Ms Collins
- Forgiven This Gun4hire / (2017) - Bee
- The Irresistible Blueberry Farm / O iubire irezistibilă (2016) - Ruth
- Snow Falls (2016) - Effie DeCarlo
- Rise and Shine / Rise and Shine (2015) - Herself - Interviewee
- The Middle Ages (2015) - Gerty (segment "Willy & Gertie")
- Over the Garden Wall / Dincolo de hotarul grădinii (2014) - mama lui Beatrice
- Waiting in the Wings: The Musical (2014) - Broadway Diva
- Johnny Blue (2014) - Dotty
- A Strange Brand of Happy / (2013) - Mildred
- Family Weekend / Weekend în familie (2013) - GG Trailer
- Carnal Innocence / Crimele din Innocence (2011) - Della Duncan
- Raising Hope / Jimmy și Hope (2010)
- Victorious / Victoria: în lumina reflectoarelor (2010) - Mona Patterson
- Good Luck Charlie / Baftă Charlie (2010)
- Generic Thriller (2009) - Thalia
- The Cleaner / Vieti curate (2008) - Lola Zellman (1 episode, 2009)
- Christmas Is Here Again / Ajutoarele lui Moș Crăciun (2007) - dna. Crăciun Trailer
- Monarch Cove / Monarch Cove (2006) - Grace Foster (14 episodes, 2006)
- Hidden Places / Locuri ascunse (2006) - Aunt Batty
- Grandma's Boy / Baiatu' lu' bunica (2006) - Grace
- The Creature of the Sunny Side Up Trailer Park (2006) - Charlotte
- Raising Genius (2004) - Aunt Sis
- Manna From Heaven / Imprumut divin (2002) - Bunny
- The Adventures of Cinderella's Daughter (2000) - Fairy Godmother
- Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family / Sub acoperire (2000) - Mary Colomby (1 episode, 2001)
- Ping! / Atentie: Caine rau! (2000) - Ethel Jeffries
- Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth / Țipă dacă știi ce am făcut vinerea trecută, pe 13! (2000) - Nurse Kervorkian
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit / Lege si ordine: Brigada specială (1999) - Felicity Bradshaw (1 episode, 2003)
- Gideon (1999) - Elly Morton
- The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998)
- That '70s Show / Anii '70 (1998) - Shirley Jones
- Dog's Best Friend / Cel mai bun prieten al cațeilor (1997) - Ethel
- Sabrina, the Teenage Witch / Sabrina, vrajitoarea adolescenta (1996) - Lydia (1 episode, 1999)
- Melrose Place (1992) - Teresa Lewis (1 episode, 1998)
- Charlie (1989) - Charlie Hannon
- Christmas in Washington (1988)
- Empty Nest (1988) - Jean McDowell (1 episode, 1991)
- There Were Times, Dear (1985) - Susanne Millard
- Tank / Tancul (1984) - LaDonna Carey
- Murder, She Wrote / Verdict crimă (1984) - Ann Owens Arden (2 episodes, 1988-1990)
- Hotel (1983) - Claire Langley (2 episodes, 1983-1987)
- The Adventures of Pollyanna (1982) - Aunt Polly
- Inmates: A Love Story (1981) - E.F. Crown
- The Children of An Lac (1980) - Betty Tisdale
- A Last Cry for Help (1979) - Joan Muir
- Beyond the Poseidon Adventures / Noi Aventuri pe Vasul Poseidon (1979) - Nurse Gina Rowe
- Shirley / Shirley (1979) - Shirley Miller (12 episodes, 1979-1980)
- Who'll Save Our Children? (1978) - Sarah Laver
- Evening in Byzantium (1978) - Constance Dobson
- Yesterday's Child (1977) - Laura Talbot
- The Love Boat / Croaziera de lux (1977) - Aunt Helen (2 episodes, 1983)
- Winner Take All / Jocul e viata mea (1975) - Eleanor Anderson
- The Lives of Jenny Dolan (1975) - Jenny Dolan
- The Family Nobody Wanted (1975) - Helen Doss
- The Girls of Huntington House (1973) - Anne Baldwin
- "McMillan & Wife" (1971) - Ellyn Mandrake (1 episode, 1977)
- Oddly Coupled (1970)
- The Cheyenne Social Club (1970) - Jenny
- But I Don't Want to Get Married! (1970) - Evelyn Harris
- "The Partridge Family" (1970) - Shirley Renfrew Partridge (96 episodes, 1970-1974)
- Silent Night, Lonely Night (1969) - Katherine Johnson
- The Happy Ending (1969) - Flo
- El golfo (1969)
- Out of the Blue (1968) - Dr. Aphrodite
- The Name of the Game (1968) - Jackie Harding (1 episode, 1969)
- The Secret of My Success / Secretul succesului meu (1965) - Marigold Marado
- Fluffy (1965) - Janice Claridge
- L'intrigo (1964) - Karen Williams
- Bedtime Story (1964) - Janet Walker
- A Ticklish Affair (1963) - Amy Martin
- The Courtship of Eddie's Father / O iubita pentru tatal lui Eddie (1963) - Elizabeth Marten
- The Music Man (1962) - Marian Paroo
- Two Road Together / Călăreau împreună (1961) - Marty Purcell
- Pepe (1960) - Suzie Murphy
- Elmer Gantry (1960) - Lulu Bains
- Bobbikins (1959) - Betty Barnaby
- Never Steal Anything Small (1959) - Linda Cabot
- April Love (1957) - Liz Templeton
- Carousel (1956) - Julie Jordan
- Playhouse 90 (1956) - May Marley (1 episode, 1956)
- Oklahoma! (1955) - Laurey Williams
- Disneyland (1954) - Aunt Polly Harrington (1 episode, 1982)
- The United States Steel Hour / The United States Steel Hour (1953) - 2 episodes, 1957-1960
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1980s, 1990s and 2000s / Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1980s, 1990s and 2000s (2009) - Herself
- Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1970's / Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1970's (2009) - Herself
- Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1960's / Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1960's (2009) - Herself
- Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1950s / Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1950s (2009) - Herself
- Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1940s / Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1940s (2009) - Herself
- Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1930s / Hollywood Singing & Dancing: A Musical History - 1930s (2009) - Herself
- Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical History (2008) - Herself
- Hollywood Singing and Dancing: 1920s - The Dawn of the Hollywood Musical / Hollywood Singing and Dancing: 1920s - The Dawn of the Hollywood Musical (2008) - Herself
- Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical Treasure (2008) - Herself/Host
- 2007 Camie Awards (2007) - Herself
- Ready for School (2007) - Herself
- The 3rd Annual TV Land Awards (2005) - Lynette Scavo / Susan Mayer ('Desperate Classic Housewives' skit)
- 49th Annual Drama Desk Awards (2004) - Herself - Presenter
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Songs (2004) - Herself
- Comedic Genius: The Work of Bernard Slade (2003) - Herself
- Bob Hope at 100 (2003) - Herself
- TV Land Awards: A Celebration of Classic TV (2003) - Herself
- We Are Family (2003) - Herself
- The 75th Annual Academy Awards (2003) - Herself - Past Winner
- The 3rd Annual Family Television Awards (2001) - Herself
- Radio City Music Hall's Grand Re-Opening Gala (1999) - Herself
- The 13th Annual Genesis Awards (1999) - Herself - Presenter
- Fox Studios Australia: The Grand Opening (1999) - Herself
- The Great Christmas Movies (1998) - Narator
- Frank Sinatra: The Very Good Years (1998) - Herself/Interviewee
- Right Here in River City: The Making of Meredith Willson's 'The Music Man' (1998) - Gazdă
- This Is My Father /II (1998)
- Cops n Roberts (1995) - Herself
- Golden Globes 50th Anniversary Celebration (1994) - Herself
- Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul (1993) - Herself
- Stars and Stripes: Hollywood and World War II (1991) - Herself
- Music by Richard Rodgers (1990) - Herself - Host
- In Performance at the White House: Chorus Lines (1988) - Herself
- The 60th Annual Academy Awards (1988) - Herself
- Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood (1987) - Herself
- All-Star Tribute to General Jimmy Doolittle (1986) - Herself
- Bob Hope's Royal Command Performance from Sweden (1986) - Herself
- Rodgers and Hammerstein: The Sound of American Music (1985) - Herself
- Women I Love: Beautiful But Funny (1982) - Herself
- Bob Hope Special: Hope, Women and Song (1980) - Herself
- The 51st Annual Academy Awards (1979) - Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
- Music from Hollywood (1977)
- The 23rd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (1971) - Herself/Presenter
- The 43rd Annual Academy Awards (1971) - Herself - Performer & Co-Presenter: Best Sound
- The Alan King Show (1969) - Herself - Singer
- The 40th Annual Academy Awards (1968) - Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
- I Feel a Song Coming On (1965) - Herself
- The 36th Annual Academy Awards (1964) - Herself - Presenter: Best Original Song
- The 34th Annual Academy Awards (1962) - Herself - Presenter: Best Actor in a Supporting Role
- What About Linda? (1961) - Herself
- The 33rd Annual Academy Awards (1961) - Herself - Best Supporting Actress Winner
- The 30th Annual Academy Awards (1958) - Herself - Performer
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
Filmografie - Soundtrack
- The 43rd Annual Academy Awards (1971)
- Never Steal Anything Small (1959)
- The 30th Annual Academy Awards (1958)
Un premiu Oscar, 4 nominalizări Globul de Aur
Toate premiile »
listă cu 100 actori, creată de criss_cristiana pe 20 Iunie 2023
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Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- Captain America: Brave New World
- Beating Hearts
- Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
- Out of the Nest
- Marked Men: Rule + Shaw
- Ainda estou aqui
- September 5
- Woodwalkers
- Young Hearts
- Les fantômes
- A Real Pain
- Emma and the Death's Head
- The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie
- A New Kind of Wilderness
- Big Trip 3: Race Around the World
- Mentorii
- Reinas
- Armand
- Vermiglio
- Le larbin
- Cleaner
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2
- The Monkey
- Flow
- Mickey 17
- William Tell
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- Black Bag
- Dogs at the Opera
Filme noi în SUA
- Men of Divorce
- In the Lost Lands
- Sinners
- Snow White
- The Alto Knights
- A Working Man
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- Michael
- Starbright
- The Accountant 2
- The Legend of Ochi
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Lilo & Stitch
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Karate Kid: Legends
Program TV

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Shirley Jones
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