Distribuţie Masters of the Universe


Înfruntarea secolului



Dolph Lundgren Dolph Lundgren He-Man
Courteney Cox Courteney Cox Julie Winston
Frank Langella Frank Langella Skeletor
Meg Foster Meg Foster Evil-Lyn
Chelsea Field Chelsea Field Teela
Christina Pickles Christina Pickles Sorceress of Castle Grayskull
Barry Livingston Barry Livingston Charlie
Robert Duncan McNeill Robert Duncan McNeill Kevin Corrigan
Billy Barty Billy Barty Gwildor
James Tolkan James Tolkan Detective Lubic
Anthony De Longis Blade
Robert Towers Karg
Jon Cypher Duncan (Man-at-Arms)
Pons Maar Saurod
Robert Towers Karg
Tony Carroll Beastman
A contribuit la detaliile filmului: Radu47hitman