Distribuţie Last Bus to Woodstock





John Thaw John Thaw Chief Inspector Morse
Holly Aird Holly Aird Angie Hartman
Kevin Whately Kevin Whately Detective Sergeant Lewis
Jill Baker Jill Baker Jennifer Coleby
Colin Dexter Colin Dexter Man behind Morse in Crowther's lecture
Terrence Hardiman Clive Palmer
Ian Bleasdale Time and Motion Expert
Diana Payan Vikki Phillips
Perry Fenwick Jimmy
Fabia Drake Fabia Drake Mrs. Jarman
Paul Geoffrey Paul Geoffrey Peter Newlove
Vass Anderson Mr. Bentley
Jo Unwin Receptionist
Anne Havard Sally
Ingrid Lacey Mary Widdowson
Anthony Bate Bernard Crowther
Peter Woodthorpe Max - Pathologist
Shirley Dixon Margaret Crowther
Shirley Stelfox Mrs. Kane
Steph Bramwell Senior Sister
Steven Law Assistant in Snooker Shop
Ian Sears John Sanders
P.J. Davidson Game Keeper
Jenny Jay Sylvia Kane
Amanda Wenban Typist
Kate Percival Lab Assistant
Dave Roberts Police Officer
Paul Lawrence Davis Doctor


Kenny McBain producător
Ted Childs (I) producător executiv