Filme scurt-metraje, SUA

Freeheld (2007)
La Corona (2008)
La Corona
At Night (2004)
At Night
Salim Baba (2007)
Salim Baba
Recycled Life (2006)
Recycled Life
Rehearsing a Dream (2006)
Rehearsing a Dream
Two Hands (2006)
Two Hands
Wabbit Twouble (1941)
Wabbit Twouble
Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath (1997)
Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath
The Early Bird Dood It! (1942)
The Early Bird Dood It!
Batty Baseball (1944)
Batty Baseball
Lonesome Lenny (1946)
Lonesome Lenny
Buccaneer Bunny (1948)
Buccaneer Bunny
Half-Pint Pygmy (1948)
Half-Pint Pygmy
The Death of Kevin Carter: Casualty of the Bang Bang Club (2004)
The Death of Kevin Carter
The Counterfeit Cat (1949)
The Counterfeit Cat
Little Rural Riding Hood (1949)
Little Rural Riding Hood
Porky Chops (1949)
Porky Chops
Boobs in the Woods (1950)
Boobs in the Woods
The Ducksters (1950)
The Ducksters