Filme istorice

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007)
Masacrul de la Wounded Knee
La veuve de Saint-Pierre (2000)
Condamnați la dragoste
Chariots of Fire (1981)
Carele de foc
El viaje (1992)
El viaje
Queimada (1969)
Prețul libertății
Black Robe (1991)
Black Robe
Titus (1999)
Titus Andronicus
The Dig (2021)
War of the Arrows (2011)
Războiul săgeţilor
Pompeii: The Last Day (2003)
Pompeii: The Last Day
Northern Lights (1978)
Luminile Nordului
Destination Tokyo (1943)
Destination Tokyo
The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
Sponsorul din St. Loius
Overlord (1975)
Mountains of the Moon (1990)
Munţii Lunii
Sado (2015)
The Throne
Babylon (2022)
Kongens nei (2016)
Alegerea regelui
The Tragedy of Macbeth (2022)
The Tragedy of Macbeth
Emma Bovary (2021)
Emma Bovary
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