Filme istorice, 2010, englezesti

Robin Hood (2010)
Robin Hood
The King's Speech (2010)
Discursul regelui
Made in Dagenham (2010)
Femeile din Dagenham
The Special Relationship (2010)
O relație specială
Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010)
Peștera viselor uitate
Memoirs of Hadrian (2010)
Memoirs of Hadrian
The Night Witch (2010)
The Night Witch
The Nine Muses (2010)
The Nine Muses
Craig & Bentley: Joint Enterprise (2010)
Woman in Sari (2010)
The Crossmaker (2010)
The Crossmaker
Wagner & Me (2010)
Wagner & Me
The First World War from Above (2010)
The First World War from Above
The Battle of Britain (2010)
The Battle of Britain
13 Hours That Saved Britain (2010)
13 Hours That Saved Britain