Filme Irlanda

Ordonează: Vezi:
A nyomozó (2008)
The Land of the Enlightened (2016)
Pământul iluminaţilor
There Are No Goodbyes (2013)
The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2012: Live Action (2012)
Bobby Sands: 66 Days (2016)
Bobby Sands: 66 Days 
The Cured (2017)
Cei vindecați
The Making of 'Dracula and Stoker' (2012)
The Green Marker Scare (2012)
The Good Man (2012)
The Gingerbread Men (2012)
The Gentleman Prizefighter (2012)
The Enigma of Frank Ryan (2012)
It's Not Yet Dark (2016)
It's Not Yet Dark 
The Runway (2010)
Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten (2007)
Joe Strummer: viitorul e nescris
Blodssystrar (2016)
Surori de sânge
Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero (2018)
Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero
The End of the Earth Is My Home (2012)
The Ecstasy of Isabel Mann (2012)
The Other Side of Sleep (2011)
Să nu adormi!