Filme globul-de-aur, SUA

Ordonează: Vezi:
For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
Pentru cine bat clopotele?
Watch on the Rhine (1943)
Watch on the Rhine
Gaslight (1944)
Lumina de gaz
Going My Way (1944)
Going My Way
Mrs. Parkington (1944)
Doamna Parkington
The Bells of St Mary's (1945)
Biserica St. Mary
The Lost Weekend (1945)
Vacanță pierdută
The Yearling (1946)
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Cei mai frumosi ani ai vietii noastre
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
O viață minunată
Gentleman's Agreement (1947)
Gentleman's Agreement
Life with Father (1947)
Viata cu tata
Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
Miracolul din Strada 34
The Sin of Harold Diddlebock (1947)
Pacatul lui Harold
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
Comoara din Sierra Madre
I Remember Mama (1948)
I Remember Mama
Johnny Belinda (1948)
Johnny Belinda
Adam's Rib (1949)
Coasta lui Adam
The Heiress (1949)
All the King's Men (1949)
Cariera de politician
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