Filme fantastice 2012

Ground Zero (2012)
Harry Hotter and Lord Villaindemort (2012)
He (2012)
Herodias (2012)
Husky (2012)
Ice Princess (2012)
Iconoclast (2012)
If (2012)
Il viaggio di Cadmo (2012)
In Carcosa (2012)
Infinity & Chashu Ramen (2012)
Ishi to uta to peta (2012)
It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012)
Jack and the Dead Girl (2012)
Jive Genie (2012)
Keitaikanojo plus (2012)
Kenneth (2012)
Killing the Dog (2012)
La Máquina que escupe monstruos y la chica de mis sueños (2012)
La mort aux doigts (2012)