Filme dragoste, englezesti

The Jealous God (2005)
Dumnezeu e gelos
The Adventures of Quentin Durward (1955)
The Adventures of Quentin Durward
The All Together (2007)
Toti laolalta
Kidnapped (1971)
Promise Her Anything (1965)
Promite-i orice
Once Upon a Time in the Midlands (2002)
A fost odată în Midlands
An American in Paris: The Musical (2018)
Un american în Paris
Letter to Brezhnev (1985)
Scrisoare catre Brejnev
Storm in a Teacup (1937)
Storm in a Teacup
Condorman (1981)
Carry On Henry (1971)
Tot inainte Henry!
Carry On Loving (1970)
Tot inainte, iubiti-va!
Watermelon (2003)
O idila cu bucluc
The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 1: The Moab Story (2003)
Valizele lui Tulse Luper, partea I
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1996)
Visul unei nopti de vara
The Queen's Sister (2005)
Sora reginei
My Summer with Des (1998)
Iubire la 11 metri
Zarak (1956)
Prudence and the Pill (1968)
Prudence and the Pill
The Sailor from Gibraltar (1967)
Marinarul de pe Gibraltar