Filme documentare, Bosnia si Hertegovina

Sasvim licno (2005)
Totally Personal
Vise od toga (2006)
Mai mult decat atat
Das Jahr nach Dayton (1997)
Anul dupa Dayton
Queer Sarajevo Festival 2008 (2009)
Queer Sarajevo Festival 2008
Informativni razgovori (2007)
Patria mia, nomad direction (2008)
Patria mea
The Serbian Lawyer (2014)
Avocatul sârb
The Destruction of Memory (2015)
Distrugerea memoriei
The siege (2016)
The siege
Selo bez zena (2010)
Village without women
Looking for Horses (2021)
În căutarea cailor
Facing Darkness (2023)
Infruntand intunericul