Filme documentare, 2013, SUA

Urban Rez (2013)
Urban Rez
Our Universe 3D (2013)
Toxic Hot Seat (2013)
O moștenire toxică
50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. And Mrs. Kraus (2013)
50 de copii: Misiunea de salvare a domnului și doamnei Kraus
Girl Rising (2013)
Girl Rising
Herblock: The Black & the White (2013)
Herblock - alb și negru
Flex is Kings (2013)
Flex is Kings
Killing the Messenger: The Deadly Cost of News (2013)
Preţul ucigător al ştirilor
Wingsuit Warrior: Jeb Corliss vs. The World (2013)
Wingsuit Warrior: Jeb Corliss vs. The World
Jerusalem (2013)
Lost for Life (2013)
Lost for Life
The Unbelievers (2013)
The Unbelievers
The Human Experiment (2013)
The Human Experiment
Grounded: Making the Last of Us (2013)
Grounded: Making the Last of Us
Filmage: The Story of Descendents/All (2013)
Filmage: The Story of Descendents/All
Hard Time, the Making of Prison (2013)
Hard Time, the Making of Prison
Congo: The Grand Inga Project (2013)
Congo: The Grand Inga Project
Sole Survivor (2013)
Sole Survivor
Little Hope Was Arson (2013)
Little Hope Was Arson
Legends of the Knight (2013)
Legends of the Knight