Filme comedie, englezesti

Personal Services (1987)
Personal Services
Jane and the Lost City (1987)
Jane si orasul pierdut
Rita, Sue and Bob Too (1987)
Rita, Sue si Bob
Aria (1987)
Mona Lisa (1986)
Mona Lisa
Riders of the Storm (1986)
TV. B-29
Foreign Body (1986)
Falsul doctor
A Room with a View (1985)
Cameră cu priveliște
Letter to Brezhnev (1985)
Scrisoare catre Brejnev
Insignificance (1985)
Emma Thompson: Up for Grabs (1985)
Emma Thompson: Up for Grabs
A Private Function (1984)
Porcul regal
Comfort and Joy (1984)
Comfort and Joy
The Hit (1984)
Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1984)
Legenda cavalerului
A Talent for Murder (1984)
Talent pentru crima
The Pirates of Penzance (1983)
Piratii din Penzance
Local Hero (1983)
Erou local
The Meaning of Life (1983)
Monty Python – Înţelesul vieţii
The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1983)
Doi tineri din Verona
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