Filme biografice, englezesti

Shakespeare Live! From the RSC (2016)
Shakespeare Live! From the RSC
Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski (1999)
Klaus Kinski – Dușmanul meu iubit
The Trials of Oscar Wilde (1960)
Procesele lui Oscar Wilde
The Lady In Number 6 (2013)
The Lady In Number 6
Risen (2010)
Povestea lui Howard Winstone
Meetings with Remarkable Men (1979)
Meetings with Remarkable Men
I Am Bolt (2016)
Eu sunt Bolt
The Yellow Tie (2024)
Cravata galbenă
From a Far Country (1981)
From a Far Country
My Perestroika (2010)
Perestroika mea
What Killed Maradona? (2021)
Ce l-a omorât pe Maradona?
Bobby Sands: 66 Days (2016)
Bobby Sands: 66 Days 
Set Fire to the Stars (2014)
Să nu-ți întâlnești eroii
Bob Dylan: Knockin' on Dave's Door (2017)
La ușa lui Dave
The First Film (2015)
Primul film
Jane par Charlotte (2021)
Jane văzută de Charlotte
Lee (2023)
The Great Mr. Handel (1942)
Marele Handel
Savage Messiah (1972)
Mesia salbatic
Ned Kelly (1970)
Ned Kelly