Filme biografice, istorice

Ordonează: Vezi:
Futures Past (2012)
Most vagy soha! (2024)
Acum ori niciodată!
Bolívar, el hombre de las dificultades (2013)
Bolivar, Omul dificultăților
The Disciple (2010)
Ink: A Tale of Captivity (2010)
Amina (2021)
Războinica Amina
Kufferten (2012)
Color of the Cross 2: The Resurrection (2008)
Color of the Cross 2: The Resurrection
The Lenin Factor (2019)
Lenin. Inevitability
Dau (2019)
Hadik (2023)
The Death of Socrates (2010)
Rasputin (2010)
Jean de La Fontaine - Le défi (2007)
Jean de La Fontaine - Le défi
Fleur de tonnerre (2016)
The Poisoning Angel
The Broken Tower (2011)
The Broken Tower
Yaroslav. Tysyachu let nazad (2010)
Yaroslav. A Thousand Years ago
Hostage to the Devil (2016)
Hostage to the Devil
Matilda (2017)
The Ten Commandments (2006)
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