Filme aventuri, premiate

Les Heros sont fatigues (1955)
Les Heros sont fatigues
A Thousand and One Nights (1945)
A Thousand and One Nights
Blindsight (2006)
La steppa (1962)
La steppa
Plymouth Adventure (1952)
Plymouth Adventure
Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness (1927)
Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness
Two Arabian Knights (1927)
Two Arabian Knights
Trader Horn (1931)
Trader Horn
The Crusades (1935)
The Crusades
Wee Willie Winkie (1937)
Micul Willie Winkie
The Buccaneer (1938)
The Buccaneer
Dr. Cyclops (1940)
Dr. Cyclops
The Son of Monte Cristo (1940)
Fiul lui Monte Cristo
La corona di ferro (1941)
The Iron Crown
Captain Kidd (1945)
Captain Kidd
Prince of Foxes (1949)
Prince of Foxes
Beneath The 12-Mile Reef (1953)
Beneath The 12-Mile Reef
Ni liv (1957)
Nouă vieți
La passe du diable (1958)
La passe du diable
The Best of Enemies (1962)
The Best of Enemies