Filme aventuri, comedie, dragoste

Ordonează: Vezi:
Don Quixote (2000)
Don Quijote
Virgin Territory (2007)
Teritoriu virgin
The Darwin Awards (2006)
Premiile Darwin
Sherlock Gnomes (2018)
Sherlock Gnomes
Barbie (2023)
Howard the Duck (1986)
Howard T Duck
Condorman (1981)
Follow That Camel (1967)
Tot inainte, urmariti camila!
Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1984)
Legenda cavalerului
Apam beajulna (2003)
De afla taticu'
Year of the Comet (1992)
Anul cometei
A Pig's Tale (1996)
Poveste scurtă de-o vară
O Auto da Compadecida (2000)
Testamentul uni caine
Righteous Kill (2004)
Righteous Kill
Zoop in Afrika (2005)
Exploratori in Africa
Zoop in India (2006)
Exploratori in India
The Touch (2002)
The Touch
Jagoda u supermarketu (2003)
Strawberries in the Supermarket
Ranma ½: Kessen Tôgenkyô! Hanayome o torimodose!! (1992)
Ranma ½: Kessen Tôgenkyô! Hanayome o torimodose!!
La cintura di castita (1967)
Centura de castitate