Filme actiune, horror, groaza

Ordonează: Vezi:
Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz (2013)
Wards Island (2013)
Armata vârcolacilor
Knight of the Dead (2013)
Knight of the Dead
Geung si (2013)
Rigor Mortis
Disaster L.A. (2014)
Disaster L.A.
Bermuda Tentacles (2014)
Tentaculele Bermudelor
Ninja Apocalypse (2014)
Ninja Apocalypse
Rise of the Zombies (2012)
Teroare în San Francisco
Cyborg X (2016)
Cyborg X
The Ghouls (2015)
The Ghouls
Navy Seals vs. Zombies (2015)
Navy Seals vs. Zombies
Cooties (2014)
Patriot's Day (2019)
Patriot's Day
Assassination Nation (2018)
O națiune asasină
Corbin Nash (2018)
Corbin Nash
Take Back the Night (2022)
Învinge noaptea!
Lake Placid: Legacy (2018)
Monstrul din Lake Placid: Moştenirea
4/20 Massacre (2018)
4/20 Massacre 
The Reckoning (2021)
The Reckoning
Bloody Hell (2020)
Bloody Hell