Filme anii 1980, englezesti

Ordonează: Vezi:
The Jigsaw Man (1984)
Misteriosul domn K
Magic Moments (1989)
Momente de magie
Barnum (1986)
Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1984)
Legenda cavalerului
Riders of the Storm (1986)
TV. B-29
The Masks of Death (1984)
Mastile mortii
The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1983)
Doi tineri din Verona
The Complete Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Macbeth (1983)
Othello (1981)
Out of the Shadows (1988)
Iesind din tenebre
Danny, the Champion of the World (1989)
Danny, campionul lumii
The Heat of the Day (1989)
In arsita zilei
Betrayal (1983)
London Conspiracy (1980)
Danny si Brett
Priest of Love (1981)
Preotul iubirii
Night Crossing (1982)
Evadare in noapte
Patty Hearst (1988)
Patty Hearst
The Holcroft Covenant (1985)
Pactul Holcroft
Murphy's Stroke (1980)
Lovitura lui Murphy
The Master of Ballantrae (1984)
Stăpânul ținutului Ballantrae