Filme 1984, englezesti

Ordonează: Vezi:
Paris, Texas (1984)
Paris, Texas
The Killing Fields (1984)
Câmpiile morții
The Company of Wolves (1984)
The Company of Wolves
The Hit (1984)
Arch of Triumph (1984)
Arcul de Triumf
A Passage to India (1984)
Călătorie în India
A Private Function (1984)
Porcul regal
Another Country (1984)
Istoria unei trădări
Cal (1984)
The Bostonians (1984)
Sheena (1984)
Sheena: Regina Junglei
The Hills Have Eyes Part II (1984)
The Hills Have Eyes Part II
Success Is the Best Revenge (1984)
Succesul e cea mai buna razbunare
Comfort and Joy (1984)
Comfort and Joy
The Jigsaw Man (1984)
Misteriosul domn K
Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (1984)
Legenda cavalerului
The Masks of Death (1984)
Mastile mortii
The Master of Ballantrae (1984)
Stăpânul ținutului Ballantrae
Chinese Boxes (1984)
Reteaua mortii
A Talent for Murder (1984)
Talent pentru crima