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John Felix Anthony Cena, cunoscut mai mult ca John Cena, s-a nascut pe 23 aprilie 1977 in West Newbury, Massachusetts. Este fan al rock-ului clasic, iar Led Zeppelin este formatia sa preferata. Este, de asemenea mare fan al desenlor animate. Ii place sa se imbrace in pantaloni scurti din denim (pana la genunchi), tricou si sapca.
John Cena este jucator profesionist de wrestling, cantaret de hip-hop si actor. A urmat cursurile Colegiului Springfield din Massachusetts, el avand calificari in...
John Felix Anthony Cena, cunoscut mai mult ca John Cena, s-a nascut pe 23 aprilie 1977 in West Newbury, Massachusetts. Este fan al rock-ului clasic, iar Led Zeppelin este formatia sa preferata. Este, de asemenea mare fan al desenlor animate. Ii place sa se imbrace in pantaloni scurti din denim (pana la genunchi), tricou si sapca.
John Cena este jucator profesionist de wrestling, cantaret de hip-hop si actor. A urmat cursurile Colegiului Springfield din Massachusetts, el avand calificari in psihologie si anatomie. In timpul colegiului obisnuia sa joace fotbal. Dupa ce a terminat scoala a continuat sa-si lucreze corpul, ajungand la inaltimea de 1.85 m si reutatea de 240 de livre, dimensiuni potrivite pentru un wrestler. John Cena a inceput sa se antreneze pentru a deveni wrestler la Ultimate Pro Wrestling, unde a activat sub pseudonimul The Prototype. La WWE a participat pentru prima data intr-un meci impotriva lui Kurt Angle pe data de 27 iunie 2002. John Cena a fost infrant destul de greu de Angle, el facand atunci o foarte buna impresie.
In 2004, statutul de vedeta al lui John Cena se dezvolta. El castiga Campionatul Statelor Unite, detronandu-l pe Big Show. Nu dupa mult timp, pierde titlul, dar la fel de repede il recucereste. Peste o vreme Cena pierde din nou titlul in fata colegului de la WWE – Carlito. Se spune ca in acea perioada Cena a fost injunghiat in rinichi de unul din bodyguarzii lui Carlitos. Asta l-a facut sa stea pe tusa o luna.
In 2005 si 2006 a mai avut cateva altercatii. El a avut neintelegeri cu campionul John Bradshaw Layfield, managerul Eric Bischoff si wrestler-ul Chris Jericho. De asemenea, a avut dispute cu Edge si Umega. El si-a facut insa si cativa prieteni in aceasta perioada. Printre acestia se numara Carlitos, alaturi de care impreuna cu Jeff Hardy a castigat un meci contra lui Edge, Randy Orton si Johnny Nitro.
Anul 2007 este unul important pentru Cena. Chiar la inceputul anului, el a avut un meci cu Kevin Federline. John a terminat meciul invins. Mai tarziu, in acea noapte Cena s-a razbunat pe Federline printr-un `body slamming` in spatele scenei.
Tot la inceputul lui 2007 John Cena a devenit primul care l-a invins pe Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga in acest an.
John Cena a devenit cunoscut in primul rand ca jucator de wrestling, dar in afara de timpul petrecut in ring, el face si muzica. Si-a interpretat cea de-a cincea melodie de intrare la Campionatul World Wrestling Entertainment - `Basic Thugonomics`, piesa aparand si pe albumul cu coloana sonora a WWE, intitulat `WE Originals`.
Un alt cantec al lui John Cena - `Untouchables` a aparut de asemenea pe un disc soundtrack WWE - `Theme Addict`.
LP-ul de debut a fost inregistrat impreuna cu varul sau Tha Trademarc si se numeste `You Can't See Me`. Primul single de pe acest material a fost `Bad, Bad Man`. Melodia a beneficiat de un videoclip, o parodie a culturii anilor ’80 si a show-ului de televiziune `The A-Team`.
Cel de-al doilea single de pe `You Can't See Me` a fost `Right Now`.
John Cena a colaborat cu mai multe personalitati din lumea hip hop-ului, printre care Bumpy Knuckles, 7L & Esoteric, MURS , E-40 si Chingo Bling.
In 2006, John Cena s-a lansat si in lumea filmului. WWE Films, o divizie a World Wrestling Entertainment, a produs primul film in care a jucat Cena - `The Marine`, care a inceput sa fie difuzat de 20th Century Fox incepand de pe 13 octombrie 2006.
Conform answers.com, John Cena este luat in considerare si pentru un rol in productia WWE – `Jornada del Muerto`.
- Jackpot! (2024) - Noel Trailer
- Ricky Stanicky (2024) Trailer
- Argylle / Argylle: Superspionul (2024) Trailer
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem / Țestoasele Ninja: Haosul mutanților (2023) - Rocksteady (voce) Trailer
- Hidden Strike (2023) - Chris Van Horne Trailer
- Fast X / Furios și iute X (2023) - Jakob Trailer
- Freelance / Bodyguardul: Misiune în junglă (2023) - Mason Pettits Trailer
- Vacation Friends 2 / Prieteni de vacanță 2 (2023) - Ron Trailer
- Barbie (2023) - Ken Trailer
- The Independent / Independent (2022) - Nate Sterling Trailer
- The Bubble / Bula (2022) - Steve Trailer
- Peacemaker (2022) - Peacemaker Trailer
- The Suicide Squad / Brigada sinucigașilor: Misiune ucigașă (2021) Trailer
- Fast & Furious 9 / Furios și iute 9 (2021) - Jakob Trailer
- Vacation Friends (2021) - Ron Trailer
- Dolittle (2020) - Yoshi (voce) Trailer
- Die Hart (2020)
- Playing with Fire / Se-ncinge treaba! (2019) - Jake Carson Trailer
- Fighting with My Family / Luptând alături de familie (2019) - John Cena Trailer
- Dallas & Robo / Dallas & Robo (2018) - 8 episodes
- Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018) - Baron Draxum
- Bumblebee (2018) - agentul Burns Trailer
- Blockers / Interzis la... sex (2018) - Mitchell Trailer
- WWE: Fight Owens Fight - The Kevin Owens Story / WWE: Fight Owens Fight - The Kevin Owens Story (2017) - Himself
- Carpool Karaoke / Carpool Karaoke (2017) - Himself (1 episode, 2017)
- Tour de Pharmacy / Pista farmaceuticelor (2017) - Gustav Ditters
- Daddy's Home 2 / Tata în război cu... tata 2 (2017) - Roger Trailer
- Surf's Up 2: WaveMania / Cu toţii la surf 2: Mania valurilor (2017) - J.C. (voce) Trailer
- The Wall (2017) - Shane Matthews Trailer
- Ferdinand (2017) - Ferdinand (voce) Trailer
- WWE No Mercy (2016) - Himself
- WWE Randy Orton: RKO Outta Nowhere / WWE Randy Orton: RKO Outta Nowhere (2016) - Himself / The Prototype (archive footage)
- Teen Choice Awards 2016 / Teen Choice Awards 2016 (2016) - Himself - Host
- WWE Backlash / WWE Backlash (2016) - Himself
- WWE Battleground / WWE Battleground (2016) - John Cena
- WWE Summerslam / WWE Summerslam (2016) - Himself
- WWE Hall of Fame (2016) - Himself
- Wrestlemania (2016) - Himself
- Sting: Into the Light (2015) - Himself
- WWE Hell in a Cell (2015) - Himself
- WWE Summerslam (2015) - Himself
- WWE: Money In The Bank (2015) - John Cena
- WWE Battleground (2015) - John Cena
- W.W.E. 24 (2015) - Himself (2 episodes, 2015-2017)
- WWE Payback (2015) - Himself
- WWE Extreme Rules (2015) - Himself
- WWE: Fast Lane (2015) - Himself
- The Road Is Jericho: Epic Stories & Rare Matches from Y2J (2015) - Himself (archive footage)
- WWE Hall of Fame (2015) - Himself
- WWE Royal Rumble (2015) - John Cena
- Trainwreck / O tipă... dezastru (2015) - Steven Trailer
- The Flintstones & WWE: Stone Age Smackdown / Familia Flintstone și WWE (2015) - John Cenastone (voice)
- Sisters / Surori bune și nebune (2015) - Pazuzu Trailer
- Daddy's Home / Tata în război cu... tata (2015) Trailer
- WWE Hell in a Cell (2014) - Himself
- The Monday Night War: WWE vs. WCW (2014) - Himself (2 episodes, 2014)
- WWE Summerslam (2014) - Himself
- WWE Battleground (2014) - Himself
- Best of Raw After the Show (2014) - Himself (archive footage)
- Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery / Scooby-Doo! Misterul de la campionatul de wrestling (2014) - John Cena (voce) Trailer
- The Janson Directive / (2014) - Paul Janson
- Money in the Bank (2013) - John Cena
- Hell in a Cell (2013) - John Cena
- SummerSlam (2013) - John Cena
- Extreme Rules (2013) - John Cena
- WrestleMania 29 (2013) - John Cena
- Camp Fred (2012)
- Undertaker: The Streak - 20-0 (2012)
- The Reunion / Ultima dorinţă (2011) - Sam Cleary Trailer
- WWE Extreme Rules (2010) - John Cena
- The Best Pay Per View Matches of the Year 2009-2010 / (2010) - Himself
- Legendary / Legendary – eroul din fiecare (2010) - Mike Chetley Trailer
- WWE Hell in a Cell (2009) - John Cena
- WWE: The Bash (2009) - el însuşi
- 12 Rounds / 12 încercări (2009) - Detectivul Danny Baxter Trailer
- WWE: John Cena - My Life (2007) - el însuşi - Prototipul
- WWE Saturday Night's Main Event / WWE Saturday Night's Main Event (2006) - John Cena
- The Marine / O luptă personală (2006) - John Triton Trailer
- WWE Monday Night RAW (1993) - John Cena
Filmografie - producător
- Peacemaker (2022) Trailer
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- WWE Live in the UK: April 2009 (2009) - Himself
- WWE Night of Champions (2009) - Himself
- WWE: Extreme Rules (2009) - Himself
- WWE Judgment Day (2009) - Himself
- WWE Backlash (2009) - Himself
- WWE Hall of Fame 2009 (2009) - Himself
- WWE No Way Out (2009) - Himself
- WWE Royal Rumble (2009) - Himself
- The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania (2009)
- WWE Tribute for the Troops (2008) - Himself
- Creating 'WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2009' / Creating 'WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2009' (2008) - Himself
- WWE Armageddon (2008) - Himself
- Nature Boy Ric Flair: The Definitive Collection (2008) - Himself
- Survivor Series (2008) - Himself
- Summerslam (2008) - Himself
- WWE Great American Bash (2008) - Himself
- WWE Night of Champions (2008) - Himself
- WWE One Night Stand (2008) - Himself
- WWE Judgment Day (2008) - Himself
- WWE Backlash (2008) - Himself
- WrestleMania XXIV (2008) - Himself
- WWE: The New & Improved DX (2007) - Himself
- WWE: The Ladder Match (2007) - Himself
- The Shawn Michaels Story: Heartbreak and Triumph (2007) - Himself
- The Best of Raw: 15th Anniversary (2007) - Himself
- WWE Unforgiven (2007) - Himself
- WWE Vengeance (2007) - Himself
- WWE Draft Special (2007) - Himself
- WWE One Night Stand (2007) - Himself
- Summerslam (2007) - Himself
- WWE Great American Bash (2007) - Himself
- WWE Judgment Day (2007) - Himself
- The Great American Bash (2007) - Himself
- WWE Hall of Fame 2007 (2007) - Himself
- WWE Backlash (2007) - Himself
- WWE No Way Out (2007) - Himself
- Royal Rumble (2007) - Himself
- WWE New Year's Revolution (2007) - Himself
- WrestleMania 23 (2007) - Himself
- Born to Controversy: The Roddy Piper Story (2006) - Himself
- Hulk Hogan: The Ultimate Anthology (2006) - Himself
- Arby's Action Sports Awards (2006) - Himself
- Declassified: The Making of 'The Marine' (2006) - Himself
- WWE Raw Family Reunion (2006) - Himself / John Triton
- WWE vs. ECW: Head to Head (2006) - Himself
- WWE Armageddon (2006) - Himself
- WWE Vengeance (2006) - Himself
- WWE Unforgiven (2006) - Himself
- WWE Great American Bash (2006) - Himself - Summerslam Promo
- WWE Cyber Sunday (2006) - Himself
- Survivor Series (2006) - Himself
- Summerslam (2006) - Himself
- ECW One Night Stand (2006) - Himself
- WWE Backlash (2006) - Himself
- WWE Hall of Fame 2006 (2006) - Himself
- WWE Royal Rumble (2006) - Himself
- WWE New Year's Revolution (2006) - Himself
- WrestleMania 22 (2006) - Himself
- WWE Homecoming (2005) - Himself
- Jake 'The Snake' Roberts: Pick Your Poison (2005) - Himself
- WWE Tribute to the Troops (2005) - Himself
- The Teen Choice Awards 2005 (2005) - Himself - Attendee
- The Southern Sports Awards 2005 (2005) - Himself - Performer/Presenter
- Hope Rocks: The Concert with a Cause (2005) - Himself
- Tombstone: The History of the Undertaker (2005) - Himself
- WWE Vengeance (2005) - Himself
- WWE Unforgiven (2005) - Himself
- WWE Taboo Tuesday (2005) - Himself
- WWE Hall of Fame 2005 (2005) - Himself
- WWE Armageddon (2005) - Himself
- Survivor Series (2005) - Himself
- Summerslam (2005) - Himself
- WWE Judgment Day (2005) - Himself
- WWE No Way Out (2005) - Himself
- WWE Royal Rumble (2005) - Himself
- WrestleMania 21 (2005) - Himself
- WWE Armageddon (2004) - Himself
- Survivor Series (2004) - Himself
- WWE No Mercy (2004) - Himself
- WWE Great American Bash (2004) - Himself
- Summerslam (2004) - Himself
- John Cena: Word Life (2004) - Himself
- WWE Judgment Day (2004) - Himself
- WWE No Way Out (2004) - Himself
- WrestleMania XX (2004) - Himself
- Royal Rumble (2004) - Himself
- WWE No Mercy (2003) - Himself
- WWE Vengeance (2003) - Himself
- Survivor Series (2003) - Himself
- WWE: Brock Lesnar: Here Comes the Pain (2003) - Himself
- WWE Backlash (2003) - Himself
- Before They Were WWE Superstars 2 (2003) - Himself
- Royal Rumble (2003) - Himself
- WWE Rebellion (2002) - Himself
- WWE Armageddon (2002) - Himself
- WWE Vengeance (2002) - Himself
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- Billy Jones (2000)
Despre John Cena
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- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste 2: Cu puțin noroc
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- The Jester from Transylvania
- El maestro que prometió el mar
- Sterben
- Joker: Folie à Deux
- Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii
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- The Silent Hour
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere
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- Boku no Hîrô Akademia za Mûbî Yuâ Nekusuto
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- The Wild Robot
- Smile 2
- Candidatul perfect
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- 200% Wolf
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