Poze (44)
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Cromwell s-a nascut in Los Angeles, California si a crescut in Manhattan, New York.
A invatat la The Hill School, Middlebury College, si la Carnegie Institute of Technology, unde a studiat ingineria. Ca si parintii sai, s-a simtit atras de teatru, jucand in diferite piese. Prima sa aparitie TV a fost in 1974, intr-un episod din The Rockford Files, unde a jucat rolul lui Terry. Cateva saptamani mai tarziu, a obtinut un rol in All in the Familly.
In 1975 a primit primul sau rol...
Cromwell s-a nascut in Los Angeles, California si a crescut in Manhattan, New York.
A invatat la The Hill School, Middlebury College, si la Carnegie Institute of Technology, unde a studiat ingineria. Ca si parintii sai, s-a simtit atras de teatru, jucand in diferite piese. Prima sa aparitie TV a fost in 1974, intr-un episod din The Rockford Files, unde a jucat rolul lui Terry. Cateva saptamani mai tarziu, a obtinut un rol in All in the Familly.
In 1975 a primit primul sau rol principal in televiziune, in seria How I Baltimore, si un an mai tarziu a debutat in film, jucand rolul unui detectiv in Murder by Death. In 1980, Cromwell a jucat in doua episoade din serialul longeviv Little House on the Prairie.
In timp ce si-a continuat cariera in televiziune tot restul anilor 80, a avut cateva roluri si in lumea filmului, ca rolul din filmul Tank, un ajutor de serif corupt, si prima sa aparitie ca Mr. Skolnick, tatal personajului principal Lewis din comedia Revenge of the Nerds, rol pe care l-a mai interpretat de inca trei ori, de-a lungul carierei sale, in continuarile filmului. Rolurile notabile ale lui Cromwell, din anii 90 sunt: rolul fermierului Arthur, din Babe (1995), rol pentru care a primit o nominalizare la Oscar, si rolul capitanului Dudley Liam Smith , din filmul L.A. Confidential (1997), un rol de altfel reusit care l-a propulsat in lumea filmului.
Cromwell, a avut parte de succes in televiziune cu filmul RKO 281, unde portretiza un magnat William Randolph Hearst (a primit prima sa nominalizare Emmy in anul 2000 cu acest rol). Urma sa fie recunoscut de Premiile Emmy, pentru realizarile sale si in anul viitor, pentru aparitia din serialul E.R. Cromwell, a jucat sin ultimele trei sezoane din serialul Six Fett Under, unde il juca pe George Sibley, sotul lui Ruth Fisher, geolog de profesie (rol ce i-a adus a treia nominalizare la Premiile Emmy).
Ulterior a jucat alaturi de Helen Mirren, care interpreta rolul Reginei Elizabeth II, in filmul The Queen (2006), unde l-a jucat pe Printul Phillip, Duce de Edinburgh. In 2007, Cromwell s-a alaturat distributiei din Spiderman 3, ca seful politiei din New York. Cromwell a acceptat rolul celui de-al 41-lea presendinte George Herbert Walker Bush in "W.", lansat in octombrie 2008.
Intr-un interviu, Cromwell a povestit ca Oliver Stone, initial a oferit rolul lui Warren Beatty sau lui Harrison Ford. Intr-un interviu din octombrie 2008, a atacat puternic Partidul Republican si administratia lui George W. Bush, declarand ca aceasta goana dupa imperiul american, "ne va distruge pe noi sau intrega planeta".
La sfarsitul anilor 60, era un membru al "The Committee to Defend The Panthers", un grup organizat ce-i apara pe cei 13 membrii ai Black Panther Party, care au fost arestati in New York sub acuzatia de conspiratie. Cei treisprezece au fost in cele din urma eliberati. Intr-un interviu acordat in 2004 pentru CNN.com, Cromwell lauda Panterele (The Panthers).
A devenit vegetarian in 1974, dupa ce a vazut un ocol de vite din Texas si astfel a experimentat "mirosul, teroarea si nelinistea". Deseori vorbeste despre cruzimea cu care sunt tratate animalele, in adunarile PETA.
- Sugar (2024) - Jonathan Siegel Trailer
- Rebel Ridge (2024) Trailer
- Julia (2022) - John McWilliams Trailer
- Never Too Late / Niciodată nu e prea târziu (2020)
- Emperor (2020)
- Operation Buffalo / Operațiunea Buffalo (2020) - Cranky Trailer
- The Laundromat (2019) - Joe Martin Trailer
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom / Jurassic World: Un regat în ruină (2018) - Benjamin Lockwood Trailer
- Marshall (2017) - Foster Trailer
- Counterpart / O dimensiune paralelă (2017) - Yanek Trailer
- The Young Pope / Tânărul papă (2017) - Cardinal Michael Spencer (8 episodes, 2016) Trailer
- The Young Pope: A Tale of Filmmaking / The Young Pope: A Tale of Filmmaking (2016) - Himself
- 50 Years of Star Trek (2016) - Himself
- The Detour (2016) - J.R.
- The Promise / Promisiunea (2016) - Morgenthau Trailer
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver / Știrile săptămânii cu John Oliver (2014)
- Murder in the First / Crimă cu premeditare (2014) Trailer
- Big Hero 6 / Cei 6 super eroi (2014) - Robert Callaghan (voce) Trailer
- Betrayal (2013) - Thatcher Karsten Trailer
- The Trials of Cate McCall / Procesul Cate McCall (2013) - Sumpter Trailer
- The 84th Annual Academy Awards (2012)
- Still / (2012) - Craig Morrison
- Cowgirls n' Angels / Călăreața (2012) - Terence Parker
- Soldiers of Fortune / Soldații destinului (2012) - Haussman
- American Horror Story / Poveşti de groază americane (2011) - dr. Arthur Arden Trailer
- Memorial Day (2011) - Bud Vogel
- The Artist / Artistul (2011) - Clifton Trailer
- Hide Away (2011) - The Ancient Mariner Trailer
- Pope Pius XII / Pius al XII-lea: Sub cerul Romei (2010) - Pope Pius XII
- Secretariat (2010) - Ogden Phipps Trailer
- The Last Days of Lehman Brothers (2009) - Henry Paulsen
- Strikeout (2009) - Director
- Impact / Impactul (2009) - Lloyd
- A Lonely Place for Dying (2009) - Howard Simons
- Surrogates / Surogate (2009) Trailer
- My Own Worst Enemy / Propriul meu dușman (2008) - Alistair Trumbull (6 episodes, 2008)
- Hit Factor (2008) - Orson Fierce
- W. (2008) - George H.W. Bush Trailer
- Tortured / Mărturie sub tortură (2008) Trailer
- Masters of Science Fiction / Masters of sci-fi (2007) - Randolph Ludwin (1 episode, 2007)
- Dante's Inferno (2007) - Virgil
- Becoming Jane / Jane (2007) - Rev Austen Trailer
- Spider-Man 3 / Omul-păianjen 3 (2007) - Stacy Trailer
- Avenger / Razbunatorul (2006) - Paul Devereaux
- The Queen / Regina (2006) - Printul Philip Trailer
- Pope John Paul II (2005) - Cardinal Adam Sapieha
- The Longest Yard / Echipa Sfarmă-Tot (2005) - Warden Hazen Trailer
- 'Salem's Lot / 'Salem's Lot - taramul vampirilor (2004) - Father Donald Callahan
- I, Robot / Eu, Robotul (2004) - Dr. Alfred Lanning Trailer
- Blackball / Regele bowlingului (2003) - Ray Speight
- The Snow Walker / Drum in zapada (2003) - Walter Shepherd
- Angels in America / Ingeri in America (2003) - Henry - Roy's Doctor (2 episodes, 2003)
- The Nazi (2002) - Franz
- RFK (2002) - Presedintele Lyndon Baines Johnson
- The Magnificent Ambersons / Magnifica familie Amberson (2002) - Major Amberson
- A Death in the Family (2002) - Joel Lynch
- Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron / Spirit: Armăsarul vestului sălbatic (2002) - colonelul (voce) Trailer
- The Sum of All Fears / Pericol absolut (2002) - Presedintele Fowler Trailer
- 24 / 24 de ore (2001) - Phillip Bauer (8 episodes, 2007) Trailer
- Six Feet Under / Sub Pământ S.R.L. (2001) - George Sibley Trailer
- Enterprise / Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) - dr. Zefram Cochrane Trailer
- Citizen Baines / Cetateanul Baines (2000) - Elliott Baines
- Fail Safe / Pericol nuclear (2000) - Gordon Knapp
- Space Cowboys / Seniorii spațiului (2000) - Bob Gerson
- A Slight Case of Murder / Un simplu caz de crima (1999) - John Edgerson
- The West Wing / Viața la Casa Albă (1999) - President D. Wire Newman (1 episode, 2004)
- The General’s Daughter / Fiica generalului (1999) - Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell
- Snow Falling on Cedars / Parfum de cedru (1999) - Judecatorul Fielding Trailer
- RKO 281 (1999) - William Randolph Hearst
- The Green Mile / Culoarul morții (1999) - Warden Hal Moores Trailer
- The Bachelor / Burlacul (1999) - Preotul
- Species II / Specii II (1998) - Senator Judson Ross
- Deep Impact / Impact nimicitor (1998) - Alan Rittenhouse Trailer
- Babe: Pig in the City / Noile aventuri ale lui Babe în oraș (1998) - Fermierul Arthur Hoggett
- Owd Bob / Bătrânul Bob (1998) - Adam MacAdam
- L.A. Confidential (1997) - Dudley Smith Trailer
- The Education of Little Tree / Moștenirea regăsită (1997) - Bunicul
- Star Trek: First Contact / Star Trek: Primul Contact (1996) - Dr. Zefram Cochrane Trailer
- The People vs. Larry Flynt / Scandalul Larry Flynt (1996) - Charles Keating Trailer
- Eraser (1996) - Donahue Trailer
- Indictment: The McMartin Trial / Procesul McMartin (1995) - Judge Pounders
- Babe / Babe - Cel mai curajos porc din lume (1995) - Fermierul Arthur Hoggett
- Partners / Partenerii (1995) - Mr. Saxonhouse (2 episodes, 1995-1996)
- The Client / Clientul (1995) - Officer Joe Denton (1 episode, 1996)
- The Shaggy Dog / Micul hot (1994) - Charlie Mulvihill
- Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love / Răzbunarea fraierilor IV: Fraierii îndrăgostiți (1994) - Mr. Skolnick
- Hawkeye (1994)
- ER / Spitalul de Urgenţă (1994) - Bishop Stewart (4 episodes, 2001)
- Romeo Is Bleeding / Joc dublu (1993) - Cage
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) - Hanok Trailer
- Revenge of the Nerds III: The Next Generation / Razbunarea tocilarilor 3: O noua generatie (1992) - Mr. Skolnick
- The Babe / Povestea lui Babe Ruth (1992) - Brother Mathias
- Picket Fences / Secrete de familie (1992)
- In a Child's Name / În numele copilului (1991)
- Home Improvement / Mesterul casei (1991) - Fred (1 episode, 1994)
- Miracle Landing (1990) - B.J. Cocker
- The Runnin' Kind (1989)
- Pink Cadillac / Cadillac-ul roz (1989) - Motel Desk Clerk
- Life Goes On (1989) - Bill Henderson (1 episode, 1990)
- The Rescue / Echipa de salvare (1988) - Adm. Rothman
- "China Beach" (1988) - Ambassador at Large Roland Weymouth (1 episode, 1988)
- Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise / Răzbunarea fraierilor (1987) - Mr. Skolnick
- Alison's Demise (1987) - Humboldt Hobson
- Star Trek: The Next Generation / Star Trek: Generația următoare (1987) - Jaglom Shrek Trailer
- Jake and the Fatman / Jake și Grasanul (1987)
- A Fine Mess / Incurcaturi la tot pasul (1986) - Detective Blist
- Matlock (1986) - Judge Raymond Price (1 episode, 1990)
- The Last Precinct / The Last Precinct (1986) - 2 episodes, 1986
- Easy Street / Easy Street (1986) - Quentin Standard
- Explorers / Exploratorii (1985) - Dl. Muller
- Twilight zone / Zona crepusculară (1985) - Obediah Payne (segment "A Message from Charity") (1 episode, 1985)
- Amazing Stories / Călătorie în timp (1985) - Francis (1 episode, 1986)
- Earthlings (1984) - Simon Ganes
- Tank / Tancul (1984) - Deputy Euclid Baker
- Spraggue (1984) - Lieutenant Hurley
- Revenge of the Nerds / Razbunarea tocilarilor (1984) - Mr. Skolnick Trailer
- Oh, God! You Devil / Un pezevenchi de Dumnezeu (1984) - Preot
- The House of God / Casa Domnului (1984) - Officer Quick
- Night Court (1984) - Alan (1 episode, 1985)
- Hunter (1984) - Seymour Robbins (1 episode, 1985)
- The Man with Two Brains / Omul cu două creiere (1983) - Realtor
- Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983) - Gregory (2 episodes, 1985-1986)
- Buffalo Bill (1983)
- The Wall / Zidul (1982) - Francisek
- The Rainmaker / Omul care aduce ploaia (1982) - Noah Curry
- Knight Rider / K.I.T.T. (1982) - Curtis
- Family Ties (1982) - John Hancock (1 episode, 1985)
- Barefoot in the Park (1981) - Harry Pepper
- Nobody's Perfekt / Nimeni nu e perfect (1981) - Dr. Carson
- Hill Street Blues (1981) - Lowenhandler (1 episode, 1985)
- Gimme a Break! (1981) - Russell Cosgrove (1 episode, 1984)
- A Christmas Without Snow (1980) - Lohman
- Magnum, P.I. (1980) - French Policeman, at Airport (1 episode, 1986)
- "Flo" (1980) - Leon (2 episodes, 1980)
- The Cheap Detective / Un detectiv ieftin (1978) - Schnell
- The Girl in the Empty Grave (1977) - Deputy Malcolm Rossiter Jr.
- Deadly Game (1977) - Deputy Malcolm Rossiter Jr.
- Three's Company (1977) - Detective Lannigan (1 episode, 1977)
- Stranded (1976) - Jerry Holmes
- Murder by Death / Cinci detectivi la miezul noptii (1976) - Marcel
- "Once an Eagle" (1976) - J.L. Cleghorne
- "All's Fair" (1976) - Shaw (1 episode, 1977)
- "Alice" (1976) - Det. Ralph Hilton (1 episode, 1978)
- Hot L Baltimore / Hot L Baltimore (1975) - Bill Lewis
- Barney Miller (1974) - Dr. Edmund Danworth (4 episodes, 1977-1981)
- The Rockford Files (1974) - Terry (1 episode, 1974)
- Little House on the Prairie / Căsuța din prerie (1974) - Harve Miller
- Maude (1972) - Alfie (2 episodes, 1974-1978)
- M*A*S*H* / M.A.S.H. (1972) - Leo Bardonaro (1 episode, 1977)
- All in the Family (1971) - Stretch Cunningham (3 episodes, 1974)
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- MindFlux: A Film About Richard Foreman (2010) - Himself
- Making Burros Fly (2010) - Himself - Narrator
- Starz Inside: Unforgettably Evil (2009) - Himself
- A True Ensemble: The Cast of L.A. Confidential (2008) - Himself
- Whatever You Desire: Making 'L.A. Confidential' (2008) - Himself
- Chabad: To Life Telethon (2008) - Himself
- The 22nd Annual Genesis Awards (2008) - Himself
- Looking for Else (2007)
- Son of Fury: Behind the Scenes (2007) - Himself
- The 21st Annual Genesis Awards (2007) - Himself
- Your Mommy Kills Animals (2007)
- Sustainable Table: What's on Your Plate? (2006) - Himself
- Miracles and Mystery: Creating 'The Green Mile' (2006) - Himself
- The Maltese Falcon: One Magnificent Bird (2006)
- Comic Relief 2006 (2006) - Himself
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Cheers: America's Most Inspiring Movies (2006) - Himself
- Life and Loss: The Impact of 'Six Feet Under' (2006) - Himself
- King Leopold's Ghost (2006)
- The 100 Greatest Family Films (2005) - Himself
- Six Feet Under: In Memoriam (2005) - Himself
- Shadows in the Dark: The Val Lewton Legacy (2005) - Narator
- Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005) - Bob Whitebread
- Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde (2004) - Himself
- Make the Movie Live the Movie (2004) - Himself
- The John Garfield Story (2003) - Himself
- Great Bear Rainforest (2001) - On-screen host
- Walking the Mile (2000) - Himself - 'Warden Hal Moores'
- Spotlight on Location: Snow Falling on Cedars (2000) - Himself/Interviewee
- The General's Daughter: Behind the Secrets (1999) - Himself
- The Miracle of 'The Green Mile' (1999) - Himself
- The View from Malabar (1997) - Narrator/Host
- The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Filmografie - producător
- Hit Factor (2008)
O nominalizare Oscar
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listă cu 992 actori, creată de Vegetarian pe 20 Decembrie 2011
Despre James Cromwell
A colaborat cu
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- En fanfare
- Hors du temps
- Feng liu yi dai
- Parthenope
- MadS
- Ali Wong: Single Lady
- The Menendez Brothers
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii
- Spre punctul G
- The Silent Hour
- Die Schule der magischen Tiere
- Clara
- Boku no Hîrô Akademia za Mûbî Yuâ Nekusuto
- We Live in Time
- The Apprentice
- Retreat Vama Veche
- The Wild Robot
- Smile 2
- Goodrich
- Candidatul perfect
- Vogter
- 200% Wolf
- MadS
- Holy Week
- Venom: The Last Dance
- Absolution
- Volveréis
- Panda Bear in Africa
- Moartea în vacanță
- Conclave
- Red One
- Megalopolis
- Anora
- Rebellious
- Elevation
- Kensuke's Kingdom
Filme noi în SUA
- 10 Lives
- Terrifier 3
- Stranded Pearl
- Weekend in Taipei
- Small Things Like These
- Bird
- Gladiator II
- Wicked: Part One
- Moana 2
- From the Ashes
- Kraven the Hunter
- The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim
- Sonic the Hedgehog 3
- Nosferatu
- Den of Thieves 2: Pantera
- Better Man
- Wolf Man
- Game of Power
Program TV
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James Cromwell
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