Seriale TV mister

The Adventures of Shirley Holmes (1997) - Serial TV
Aventurile lui Shirley Holmes
Players (1997) - Serial TV
Echipa condamnatilor
Sleepwalkers (1997) - Serial TV
Creatorii de vise
Riget II (1997) - Serial TV
Riget II
The New Batman Adventures (1997) - Serial TV
The New Batman Adventures
An Unsuitable Job for a Woman (1997) - Serial TV
An Unsuitable Job for a Woman
Kenny Starfighter (1997) - Serial TV
Kenny Starfighter
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997) - Serial TV
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1996) - Serial TV
Domnul si doamna Smith
Millennium (1996) - Serial TV
Nash Bridges (1996) - Serial TV
Nash Bridges
JAG (1995) - Serial TV
Justiție militară
Nowhere Man (1995) - Serial TV
Omul de nicaieri
Oliver's Travels (1995) - Serial TV
Calatoriile lui Oliver
The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries (1995) - Serial TV
Aventurile lui Sylvester si Tweety
Alien Autopsy: (Fact or Fiction?) (1995) - Serial TV
Alien Autopsy: (Fact or Fiction?)
Riget (1994) - Serial TV
Spitalul cu fantome I & II
Blue Heelers (1994) - Serial TV
Secția de poliție
Kommissar Rex (1994) - Serial TV
Comisarul Rex: aventuri la Viena
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1994) - Serial TV
Memoriile lui Sherlock Holmes