Distribuţie The Return of Sherlock Holmes


The Return of Sherlock Holmes


Margaret Colin Margaret Colin Jane Watson
Daniel Benzali Daniel Benzali Ross
William Hootkins William Hootkins Spelman
Nicholas Guest Nicholas Guest Toby
Connie Booth Connie Booth Violet
Barry Morse Carter Morstan
Shane Rimmer Shane Rimmer Stark
Debora Weston Debora Weston
Lila Kaye Ms. Houston
Michael Pennington Michael Pennington Sherlock Holmes
Sheila Brand Kitty
Paul Maxwell Hopkins


Simon Wakefield scenograf şef
Tony Imi imagine
Ken Thorne departament sunet
Bernard Gribble montaj
Cliff Lanning Echipa
Bob Shayne producător
Gerry Toomey second unit director or assist
Tony Dawe departament sunet
Sam Horta departament sunet
Bob Shayne scriitor