Distribuţie Valley of the Twenty-Something Guys





Sarah Jessica Parker Sarah Jessica Parker Carrie Bradshaw
Kim Cattrall Kim Cattrall Samantha Jones
Timothy Olyphant Timothy Olyphant Sam
Kristin Davis Kristin Davis Charlotte York
Cynthia Nixon Cynthia Nixon Miranda Hobbes
Chris Noth Chris Noth Mr. Big
Josh Stamberg Josh Stamberg Brian
Daniel Gerroll Daniel Gerroll Mr. Marvelous
Kohl Sudduth Kohl Sudduth Jon
Ben Weber Ben Weber Skipper Johnston
Michael Cline Man in Elevator
Johnny Santiago Bartender
Maria Angelica Woman at PR Opening
Panicker Upendran Cab Driver
André Vippolis Fred King
Kenneth Keith Kallenbach Sam's Roommate
Michael Parr Jake Lewis
Wendy Johnson Shaylo
French Napier Jock Guy
Robert Steinman Salesman
James A. Wolf Jr. Rich Stein


Mark McGann producător asociat
Jane Raab coproducator
Darren Star producător executiv
Alexa Junge producător executiv