For the Boys


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sub 5 voturi
Nota IMDB: 6.4
O nominalizare Oscar, un premiu şi o nominalizare Globul de Aur
Vezi toate premiile
Bette Midler Bette Midler Dixie Leonard Vince Vaughn Vince Vaughn Brandon Lee Brandon Lee Danny Leonard (at 12), New York
Billy Bob Thornton Billy Bob Thornton Korea James Caan James Caan Eddie Sparks George Segal George Segal Art Silver
Xander Berkeley Xander Berkeley Roberts, Vietnam Andy Dick Andy Dick Richard Portnow Richard Portnow Milt, Recording Studio
Vezi toata distributia

Caseta tehnică

Produs de

20th Century Fox

Distribuitorul international

20th Century Fox

Distribuit in Romania de

Pro Video



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