Filme western

Samurai Cowboy (1994)
Samuraiul cowboy
The Shakiest Gun in the West (1968)
Doctorul Haywood
Les Petroleuses (1971)
The Trail to Hope Rose (2004)
Umbrele trecutului
The Tracker (1988)
Viu sau mort
High Noon (2000)
La amiază
Three Violent People (1956)
Trei oameni furiosi
Last Stand at Saber River (1997)
Fortareata de la Saber River
Return to Snowy River (1988)
Intoarcerea la Snowy River
South of Heaven, West of Hell (2000)
La granița cu iadul
Blindman (1971)
Pistolarul Orb
Cimarron (1960)
Welcome to Hard Times (1967)
Vremuri de restriște
Blood on the Moon (1948)
Lună însângerată
Dodge City (1939)
Dodge City
Tashunga (1996)
Steaua Nordului
Brothers in Arms (2005)
Camarazi de arme
Heller in Pink Tights (1960)
Reprezentatie indecenta
The Cisco Kid (1994)
The Cisco Kid
Wild Rovers (1971)
Hoinarii primejdioși